Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Got Anger Issues?
By Greg Laurie. – True godliness is characterized by humility, not rage. But even when our anger gets the best of us, there’s still hope.
Greg Laurie,
Building a Life in Spite of Others
I love old homes. While others go to the beach, my wife and I check out old homes. Driving through certain neighborhoods, we’ll ooh and ahh over the architecture of some homes, but occasionally we’…
Lynn H. Pryor,
Building a Life in Spite of Others
I love old homes. While others go to the beach, my wife and I check out old homes. Driving through certain neighborhoods, we’ll ooh and ahh over the architecture of some homes, but occasionally we’…
Lynn H. Pryor,
How Does Faith Impact Your Life? 10 Examples of How Faith Changes Everything
How does faith impact your life? It changes everything. I have learned from experience, that is not a cliche of false hope; it is the raw truth. Every aspect of your life will be impacted when you incorporate faith into your everyday, ordinary life. Your thoughts, your decisions, and your relationships will all change. As
Mary Armand,
How Does Faith Impact Your Life? 10 Inspiring Examples of Faithful Living
How does faith impact your life? Our faith in God changes how we think and how we act which improves every aspect of our life. Faith in Jesus changes everything!
Mary Armand,
A Social Media Fast May Be Good For Your Soul
A social media fast did me a lot of good. Perhaps you could benefit from one too.
Chrys Jones,
The Anger Problem in Sports and All of Life (Including in Our Families and Relationships) - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
If we get victory in this area it not only glorifies God but also brings peace and contentment to our own lives.
Randy Alcorn,
Inspiring Bible Verses About Self-Control To Overcome Temptations
God wants His children to live by Spirit by producing good fruits. Here are helpful Bible verses about self-control to overcome negative emotions.
Anthony Eshun,
Praying for Students – and for one another
The ABC’s of Praying for Studentsand for one another Attitude: Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer. Psal…
Geoff Waugh,

Group of Brands