Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
The Lonely Side of a New School Year – Pathways to Organization
Let me share the story: “Every Friday afternoon this teacher would ask her students to write down the names of four children with whom they’d like to sit with the following week. It is like mining for gold – the gold being those children who need a little help, who need adults to step in and teach them how to make friends, how to join a group, or how to share their gifts. Children who aren’t being noticed may eventually resort to being noticed by any means necessary.” So, now that school has started back, perhaps we can pay a little more attention to the children in our children’s classrooms and those getting off the bus.
Lane Jordan,
Bible in 365 Days – Day 147
Focus Chapters: Proverbs 1-4 Standout Verse(s): Proverbs 3:3-4 NLT Never let loyalty and kindness leave you! Tie them around your neck as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart. Then …
Chanel Robe,
Christian messages to overcome depression
The heart is the center of man’s being. Every of our action, thought or motive is generated from our heart. Our character or behaviour in response to situations or circumstances around us is …
Babatope Babalobi,
Mundane Monday: A Sense of Belonging - Denise Pass
Jeremiah 15:16 “As your words came to me I drank them in, and they filled my heart with joy and happiness because I belong to you.” 1 John 4:4 4 “But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is […]
Denise Pass,
The Path To Success: Utilizing Wisdom for a Successful Life -
Wisdom is the key to success. Here is a break down of ways to measure if you are utilizing wisdom for a successful life based on proverbs!
Sylvia Clark,
Why do we need God’s wisdom?
What would you ask if God told you to ask anything of Him? Most of us ask God to give us wealth, happiness, and good health. However, King Solomon, the son of David, only asked God for wisdom, and God gave him more than he asked for.In 1 Kings 3:9,...
Jepryll Torremoro,
The Story of Daniel: Finding integrity and faith in a complex world
A lion in the den. (Photo by Mika Brandt from Unsplash)The biblical narrative of Daniel is a powerful tale of unwavering integrity and faith amid adversity. When Jerusalem was conquered, Daniel, a young Israelite, was taken into captivity by the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar's army. Despite the allure of the king's...
Joseph Antonio Liao,
20 Inspiring quotes, Bible verses about commitment in a relationship
No strings attach. This is one of the prevalent set up of relationships in this era. Many people would love to be in this kind of no-commitment relationship, while others nowadays value satisfaction over responsibilities and long-term commitment. Why commitment in a relationship matters? As Christians, we no longer conform...
Jepryll Torremoro,
What Does the Bible say About Faithfulness? & 5 Important Characteristics of Faithfulness
When we understand what does the Bible say about faithfulness it helps us learn and exhibit the characteristics of Jesus. Jesus lived a faithful life filled with loyalty and love for everyone which inspires us to be faithful.
Mary Armand,
Lord, Have Mercy
God is ready to give rich mercy, but will we cry out to Him?
Jason Davis,

Group of Brands