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Yes, Mama, You Need to Take Care of Yourself Too…
Photo by Eddy Lackmann on Unsplash I know that as a mom you need to take care of yourself, but to be frank, I’m not very good at it.I’ve known this for a long time, but currently each day in this incredibly wonderful, yet often overwhelming,season of transition, I find myself numb and empty from
Julie Ann Filter,
Is God Disappointed with Me When I Struggle?
Life can be hard. Very. Hard. But the Enemy wants to plant a question to bring doubt: Is God disappointed with me when I struggle? And, now it’s time to uproot the lies.
Julie Ann Filter,
A Surprising Perspective About Resolutions
I was working out at the gym with a friend and knowing it was January, we chuckled as we noticed how much more crowded the gym was since January 1st. Then as it happens every year, about four to six weeks later, the gym returns to its normal level—and we wouldn’t have to wait in line to use the weight machines.
Kathy Collard Miller,
A Surprising Perspective About Resolutions
I was working out at the gym with a friend and knowing it was January, we chuckled as we noticed how much more crowded the gym was since January 1st. Then as it happens every year, about four to six weeks later, the gym returns to its normal level—and we wouldn’t have to wait in line to use the weight machines.
Kathy Collard Miller,
Is God Disappointed with Me When I Struggle?
Photo by ANMOL on Unsplash Do you ever ask yourself “Is God disappointed with me?”I know I do, or I have, a lot…especially lately.Recently I had the blessing of being invited to a fellow camper’s trailer for a movie night.This great family, only at the campground for the weekend, had a sheet hung to catch
Julie Ann Filter,
Do You Feel Battered and Bruised? - Sharon Jaynes
But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us” (2 Corinthains 4:7 NIV). The speaker came out onto the stage. He pulled out a one-hundred dollar bill. “Who would like this one-hundred dollar bill?” he asked. Hands shot up all around the room. Read more…
Sharon Jaynes,
Can They Tell How Much You've Grown? - Joyfully Pressing On
Sanibel Causeway, Beach Island A Hey, Dad. Can we stop here, like last year? Sure, guys. Let’s do it. Breathe in. Love is patient. Breathe out. Love is kind. Breathe in. Love does not insist on its own way. Breathe out. Put on love. And by the time I pushed that third breath out, our Read More
Abigail Wallace,
Hope for Those Who are in Darkness
by Mike Genung You’re looking at a scan of my brain, taken several years ago. A normal brain is smooth. Those holes and crevices reveal improper blood flow and/or that my brain isn’t functioning properly. This “improper function” can cause a racing mind, depression, unwanted Read More
Mike Genung,
A Theology of Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Day is here and that means family, friends, lots of food, and Black Friday sales. From a cultural viewpoint, Thanksgiving is the beginning of the Christmas season. As I (and many others) would argue, Thanksgiving Day deserves our devout attention and ought to necessitate a spirit of thankfulness to God for his goodness in the last year. Scripture presents us with a main overarching idea behind thanksgiving to God: Thanksgiving is a sacrifice to God and demonstrates true worship. Thi
Cole Feix,
Pressing Forward, Not Shrinking Back (Pt. 2)
For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will co…
Michael Floyd,

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