Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
4 things every Christian should be doing Now! - Raising Zion
Every christian will be found doing these four important things in the middle of a crisis. It is only natural for any Christian.
Nehemiah Zion,
Did You Know that God is Slow to Anger? - NewCREEations
The Bible says God is slow to anger in spite of how many Christians claim God judges the earth after a disaster. How long is slow in God’s perspective?
Chris Cree,
The Blood of Jesus & Confidence for Today — Broken & Hopeful
Often I want to skip the suffering of the cross and go straight to the glory of Easter morning, when Jesus rose from the dead and presented Himself in victory to those who surrounded Him throughout His earthly ministry. I want the celebration without the fight. I want the promises of God to come to
Hannah Morrell,
A Daily Devotion for Sobriety: Cultivating the habit of reading the Bible
Matthew 4:4. (Bible verse image from Bible Portal)Stepping onto the path of sobriety, you encounter both triumphs and trials. In those tranquil moments, when cravings loom large and anxieties whisper, seek solace in practices that nurture your spirit and fortify your resolve. One such practice, brimming with potential for healing...
Joseph Antonio Liao,
When Forgiveness Seems Illusive
I long to be the one who makes you smile. From deep within me is a person who wants to be that somebody who makes every person feel like a somebody. I really do want to be an encourager, but far to…
Vickie Munton,
God Will Never Give Up on You
The truth is that God will never give up on you! Please, let that sink in.  The “work” that God started in you is the work of sanctification, which means that He is working in you every single day to make you more and more like Jesus.  
Summer Marrero,
Grace and Mercy
“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever” (Psalm 23:6). We serve a great and mighty God who is full of love and mercy. …
Anneta Pinto,
Spiritual Blessings in Christ
Blessed be the Lord God who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing Read Ephesians 1:3-14 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who h ...
Christine Malkemes,
The God Who Forgives
“Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and do not forget all his benefits–who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases…
Claude F. Mariottini,
Are You Sure, Lord? - Carla D Burnette
Why do we doubt God’s plans? No matter what the situation, the Word tells us to trust confidently in Him and with all of our hearts.
Carla D. Burnette,

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