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The Beyond Suffering Bible: Don’t Miss This Resource! - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
I can’t say enough about the value of this monumental work. To integrate God’s Word with such sparkling, honest, and Christ-centered insights was brilliant.
Randy Alcorn,
Joni Eareckson Tada and the 50th Anniversary of Her Accident - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
In 1967, 50 years ago, a diving accident left Joni Eareckson Tada a quadriplegic at age seventeen.
Randy Alcorn,
Psalm 119 and Affliction: A Christian Response to Hardship
No one likes suffering. We try to avoid it at all costs. This avoidance is seen through the existence of painkillers, recreational drug use, the mind-numbing effect of social media, and a host of other things we use to numb the pain that comes from living in a fall and sin-cursed world. Despite this attempt to flee suffering, it still finds us. Why can’t we hide from hurt?
Cole Feix,
Blessings in Disguise
The other day I asked a lady on the lift why she is staying at Ronald McDonald (Ronald McDonald is free accommodation for those who have ch…
Emily van Rijn,
What - Not Why
“I wouldn’t go through my experience with cancer again for a million dollars,” said a friend to me recently. “But then again, I wouldn’t tak…
Lawrence Guido,
Giving Thanks in the Hard — Vaneetha Risner
I want to be grateful, but when people tell me to count my blessings when I’m struggling, I bristle. I want understanding and sympathy, not a lecture. Yet at the same time, I’ve learned that when I look at my life through a lens of faith, I see things differently.
Vaneetha Risner,
Lessons we Failed to Learn From two Years of Misery-
Choosing not to learn is never a viable option with God. He will keep going back to the same lessons over and over again until we get it. He’s relentless. Trust me. I know. I am convinced there ar…
Lisa Price,
My God Lives, and He Has My Heart: The Faith of Sarah Edwards
Sarah Edwards is known as the wife of famous pastor and theologian Jonathan Edwards. Yet to those who knew her personally, Sarah was a woman who spoke life-giving words and provided comfort for not only her family but for the frequent guests in her home. George Whitfield, a one-time visitor to the Edwards’ home, said of Sarah Edwards, “She is a woman adorned with a meek and quiet spirit, talking feelingly and solidly of the Things of God” (Winslow, Jonathan Edwards, 1703-1758, 188). There is …
Cole Feix,
Redeeming the unredeemable: Overcoming rock bottom and finding hope 
Picture of Robert Downey Jr. (Photo from for his roles as Iron Man and Sherlock Holmes, Robert Downey Jr. has undergone a remarkable transformation. However, his journey wasn't always smooth, as the 45-year-old actor grappled with a significant history of substance abuse problems from the late 1990s to the...
Joseph Antonio Liao,
Lessons we Failed to Learn From two Years of Misery-
Choosing not to learn is never a viable option with God. He will keep going back to the same lessons over and over again until we get it. He’s relentless. Trust me. I know. I am convinced there ar…
Lisa Price,

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