Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Thinking the Way God Thinks
Contributor: Chad Roberts We live in divisive days. The public square is filled with everyone’s opinions. Everywhere you look society is being politicized. From social media to sp…
Kenneth Chad Roberts,
Thinking the Way God Thinks
Contributor: Chad Roberts We live in divisive days. The public square is filled with everyone’s opinions. Everywhere you look society is being politicized. From social media to sp…
Kenneth Chad Roberts,
Marching Orders by Eddie Jones - Booty and Treasures fer All!
At Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas we do not have a business plan. We do not have a marketing plan. We do not plan. Instead, we listen. We listen to authors when they pitch us their books and we listen to conference directors when they invite us to help teach and encourage authors. Most of […]
Eddie Jones,
His Countless Thoughts, Our Comfort
On a day Amy had long dreaded as a young widow, she realized she had nothing to fear.
Revive Our Hearts,
Pastoral Thoughts on Legalizing Gay Marriage
There are several things I want to say about today’s Supreme Court ruling over same sex marriage. Because part of my responsibilities are to marry people, I believe I have a unique perspective on t…
Kenneth Chad Roberts,
Pastoral Thoughts on Legalizing Gay Marriage
There are several things I want to say about today’s Supreme Court ruling over same sex marriage. Because part of my responsibilities are to marry people, I believe I have a unique perspective on t…
Kenneth Chad Roberts,
Wayne Grudem on Systematic Theology, and Why It Matters - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
This article from Wayne Grudem is a great introduction to what systematic theology is, and why it matters.
Randy Alcorn,
People Series: David, man after God's own heart - Raising Zion
David, the greatest King Israel ever had. A shepherd, warrior, worshipper and a lot more. What did I find when I mapped his life onto the seven point framework? Similar to the previous article on Cornelius. If you enjoyed it, please leave a comment or share your thoughts as you are moved by the Spirit. […]
Nehemiah Zion,
Did You Know That God Hates Vain Thoughts? - Raising Zion
How serious are you about your thought life? Do your thoughts matter to you? Your thinking matters to God. As believers, our thought life is a critical place of warfare. We may be able to look and sound perfect with how we speak and do, but the real battle is inside our minds and hearts.
Nehemiah Zion,
Checklist of God’s Promise to You in This Brave Life - Bravester
Brave faith is big but also vulnerable, involves risk. Big faith is centered on God who is for us. Here is a list of this complete with Bible verses.
Brenda Seefeldt Amodea,

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