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Divine Hem Ups aka Atlanta Snowstorm 2011 - After the Altar Call
Hello World! If you’re in the A, you know what’s up…and it’s not the temperature…And if you’re not in the A, let me fill you in…It’s Day 3 of being hemmed up in my home. That’s right, I have not left my house since Sunday around 6 p.m. because the city of Atlanta and […]
Jacqueline J. Holness,
Sheltered in the Arms of God
Contributor: Chad Roberts One of my favorite songs of the Christian faith is called Sheltered in the Arms of God. When God began to take me down the difficult path of blindness, I would often…
Kenneth Chad Roberts,
Taking One Sovereign Step at a Time
No steps are wasted in His plan. Psalm 37:23 “The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.” Standing at the bottom of the long staircase that reached to the sky, looking up, I felt sickeningly dizzy. I volunteered for this? On a...
Denise Pass,
Sheltered in the Arms of God
Contributor: Chad Roberts One of my favorite songs of the Christian faith is called Sheltered in the Arms of God. When God began to take me down the difficult path of blindness, I would often…
Kenneth Chad Roberts,
A Plague of the What Ifs — The Spacious Place
I’ve written about the what ifs before. They’re nasty little beasts. Once they attach themselves to you, they are difficult to remove. Our house seems to have been attacked by a swarm of them this week. Mine tend to hover around thoughts of health, whereas my husband’s tend to be attracted to fina
Shay S. Mason,
The Privileged Life: Don’t Panic! Seven Ways to Cope with Anxiety
We’re not immune to anxiety as Christians. It’s not enough to hand out platitudes about love, joy, and peace to others if we’re not able to surface above a swamp-like depression ourselves. Sometimes we need to consult with a professional counselor or physician, to talk through options and decide if therapy or medications are appropriate.
Nancy C. Williams,
One Verse I Really Didn't Like - Sharon Jaynes
I’m posting over at Proverbs 31 Ministries today. I thought you might enjoy this devotion as well! But you might not! It’s about a verse that made me stop in my tracks. “With such nagging she prodded him day after day until he was sick to death of it.” Judges 16:16 (NIV) The verse stopped me in my tracks. Read more…
Sharon Jaynes,

Group of Brands