Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
8 Indispensable Qualities Every Leader Needs - Charles Stone
Leaders must be people of character. Here area 8 crucial qualities of a leader with character.
Charles Stone,
Just keep your word. - Divorce Minister
Who may enter your presence on your holy hill? … Those who despise flagrant sinners, and honor the faithful followers of the Lord, and keep their promises even when it hurts. -Psalm 15:1b, 4, NLT A certain behavior really angers me. It is when people tell me one thing and do the opposite. It is something … Continue reading “Just keep your word.”
David Derksen,
When It Hurts To Keep Your Word - Joyfully Pressing On
“Can’t we go, Mom? I might never get to see Eli play. PLEASE Mom. Can’t we go?” When it hurts to keep your word, when FOMO comes pounding…
Abigail Wallace,
Carefully & Lovingly Planted — Carol McLeod Ministries
What do you intend to grow in that fertile ground that is known as “you”? I determined long ago that the character stakes planted in the open ground of my life would be labeled “integrity” and “kindness”.
Carol McLeod,
Carefully & Lovingly Planted — Carol McLeod Ministries
What do you intend to grow in that fertile ground that is known as “you”? I determined long ago that the character stakes planted in the open ground of my life would be labeled “integrity” and “kindness”.
Carol McLeod,
How To Enter Into The Presence Of The Almighty - Christian Perspectives
David, wrote Psalm 15. He laid out for us how to enter into the presence of the Almighty. The outline of this chapter is very simple.
Robin McKinley,
4 Ways How Goodness Follows Us! (Part-2) - Raising Zion
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. Psalms‬ ‭23:6‬ Let me take you straight into the topic of — 8 ways how Goodness follows us. Incase you would like to go through the first part of this […]
Nehemiah Zion,
How To Worship God With All Of Your Life
Throughout its pages, the Bible admonishes us to worship God the creator of heaven and earth. In a church setting, worshiping the Lord is very exhilarating. Its
Robin McKinley,
RÄTTFÄRDIG enligt Bibeln – pga Jesus rättfärdighet eller vår egen?
Predikaren 7:30 Se, endast detta har jag funnit att Gud skapade människorna RÄTTSINNIGA. Men SEDAN har de tänkt ut många onda planer Det finns oändligt många verser som säger att vi är rättfärdiggj…
Annika Björk,

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