Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Why have you forsaken me?
If you’ve known rejection, you’ll appreciate this. If you’ve felt abandoned, discarded by family and friends, you may understand this: Mark 15 34 At three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachdthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”)...
Allen Browne,
Why Prayer is Vital to Christian Living
I never realized just how powerful prayer was until I read the book, “This Present Darkness”, by Frank Peretti. My eyes were opened to a whole new realm of life – the spiritual r…
Summer Marrero,
Bible Verses About Strength To Inspire Your Whole Life
Here are selected Bible verses about strength with further biblical lessons to give you the inspiration you need. Christians are reminded that energy…
Anthony Eshun,
Best Bible verses for strength to cheer you up
Reading Bible verses for strength soothes our weary being.We all experience sadness, loneliness, and despair in this fallen world. Job loss, divorce, family separation, and the death of a loved one bring sorrow to our souls.Our lives resemble a roller coaster - full of ups and downs. Amid life's unpredictability,...
Joseph Antonio Liao,

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