Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
The Corruption of God's Love
This series was first published in June, 2016. –ed. How do we reconcile the concept of a loving God with a fallen world full of evil, suffering, and catastrophe? In scholarly terms, that perplexing issue is known as the problem of theodicy. Silence Is the Wrong Answer And for many preachers, that question is just
John MacArthur,
The Fascinating Symbolic Meaning of Flowers in the Bible and What to Include in a Biblical Garden
By embracing Christian symbolism, followers of Christ could find solace in everyday experiences. Throughout the Bible, various kinds of flowers are referenced; their presence reminds us that faith is rooted even in something as beautiful and simple as a blossom. Symbolism has been woven into Christianity to restore and strengthen our confidence – because the
Sue Nelson,
The Incredible Symbolism Of The Color Green In The Bible
Colors in theBiblehave such rich symbolism. Over the past year, we’ve been examining the colors in the Bible (Red,Blue,Yellow,white, andblack), and today, we’ll park on green and take a good look at the color green in the Bible. (For an overview of colors in the Bible,see this post). Symbolic Meanings of Green in the Bible
Sue Nelson,
Do the Old Testament Promises of Prosperity Apply to God’s People Today? - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
Our greatest resources are spiritual, not material. They come from another world, not this one.
Randy Alcorn,

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