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5 Breath Prayers from Scripture (Part 2)
How and Why Breath Prayers Work: Breathing our prayers is a great way to engage with the Word of God while also using the science behind our breath to settle down our hearts and spirits. At some point, you’ve probably had someone tell you “just breathe.” This is because intentionally slowing down our breathing helps calm down our nervous system. It’s an effective way to bring the focus away from the stress and anxiety that has taken over our bodies, minds, and spirits, and bring us back down to
Molly Wilcox,
If you’re anything like me, you hate waiting. Impatience is a virtue, but not a good one. It’s true of waiting on God, too. We want our prayers answered pronto. We want God to speak to us, guide us, counsel us immediately. Yet, we know it rarely works like that. We often have to wait. And sometimes a long, long time. In those times of waiting, it’s tempting to rush ahead, to “make it happen,” ourselves. We speak, act, or move in our own strength, power and reasoning, while still thinking we’re s
Denise Kohlmeyer,
God Doesn't Need a hearing Aid - Damon J. Gray
I started wearing hearing aids about six weeks ago, a move I resisted for the longest time. Hearing aids make me feel old and feeble – something my grandfather would wear. Though fifty-seven in reality, in my mind, I’m still in my twenties. What are you talking about? I don’t need hearing aids! For quite some…
Damon J. Gray,
Exciting Benefits Of Being Set Apart to The Lord
This Psalm was sang and accompanied by stringed instruments. Its lyrics included the exciting benefits of being set apart to the Lord.
Robin McKinley,
Word of the week: Sanctification
The thread of Christianity depends on a unity from one generation to the next of mutual understanding of our important words. Hence the Word of the Week. Justification is the moment that God declar…
Elizabeth Prata,

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