Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
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We need to ask God to give us the peace our hearts crave and take us fully into His kingdom. We need to ask him help us disappear into his infinity and also dip our battered spoons into the ocean of your love so we may emerge reconstructed. At House of Mercy Christian Assembly, we help you connect to God and achieve everlasting peace through daily prayer and meditation. Learn more about how developing a connection with God through daily prayer and meditation can help you grow in wisdom and love as it brings purpose and meaning to your life.
Jean-Michel Tchamba,
Moralizing Anger As Always Sin - Divorce Minister
Be angry, and do not sin. -Psalm 4:4a & Ephesians 4:26a, NKJV Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. -Ephesians 4:31, NKJV I purposefully placed these two verses together to highlight the confusion within evangelical Christianity as far as it comes to the emotion of … Continue reading “Moralizing Anger As Always Sin”
David Derksen,
Did you know God commands us to be angry! - Divorce Minister
Be angry, and do not sin. -Psalm 4:4a & Ephesians 4:26a, NKJV Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. -Ephesians 4:31, NKJV I purposefully placed these two verses together to highlight the confusion within evangelical Christianity as far as it comes to the emotion of … Continue reading “Did you know God commands us to be angry!”
David Derksen,
Day 11: The Power of Meditation (Bible Tribe Psalm 3-4) - Denise Pass
Life can move so fast that we forget to pause. The power of meditation enables us to find the peace Christ gave to us.
Denise Pass,
The Practice Of Meditating On The Word Of God - Christian Personal Development
The practice of meditating on the Word of God is such a very valuable practice for Christians. I want you to learn this practice in this article.
Sesan Oguntade,
Just Sit Still!
She is adorable though! Have you ever said this to your child? My 11 month year old daughter is the most wriggly child I have ever…
Emily van Rijn,
5 Ways To Inspire Creativity
It’s true, I’ve never seen myself as someone creative. I have a craft closet full of supplies, but I always feel like an imposter. A mimic. I can copy an idea or re-create someone els…
Vickie Munton,
Divorce Is No More A Sin Than Being Angry - Divorce Minister
“‘In your anger do not sin”” -Ephesians 4:26a & Psalm 4:4a, NIV. “Because Joseph her husband was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly.” – Matthew 1:19, NIV. Context matters greatly in both divorce and issues of anger. In and … Continue reading “Divorce Is No More A Sin Than Being Angry”
David Derksen,
Exciting Benefits Of Being Set Apart to The Lord
This Psalm was sang and accompanied by stringed instruments. Its lyrics included the exciting benefits of being set apart to the Lord.
Robin McKinley,
Whatever You Do, Parents…
Disclaimer: I am not a parenting expert. (Can anyone really claim that title?) My four children are now grown and I get to enjoy eleven grandbabies. I love my family–from the littlest to the…
Vickie Munton,

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