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Your Shalom Peace
One day, God will wipe away our tears. But, know that He is the One who can give you peace.
Tanja Tuovinen,
Prayers to overcome Spirit wives and Spirit husbands
Psalm 4 vs.8 I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety. Meditate on this Scripture and confess it several times before you sleep. See the Lord as y…
Babatope Babalobi,
Doubting Your Fears — Ami Loper
I used to be crippled by fear. Having been a fearful child, and then having been abused, threatened and stalked as a young adult, my filter saw everything through a lens of fear. But then a series of events began to expose the true nature of fear! Fear VS Faith Faith Have Faith Christian Blog
Ami Loper,
Praying against nightmares.
Praying against nightmares. By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian ministry Join Telegram prayer group Subscribe to YouTube channel Psalm 4 The p…
Babatope Babalobi,
How To Make the Most of Bedtime Prayer for Toddlers - Little Shoots, Deep Roots
Stuck saying the same repetitive prayers over and over? Learn how to engage do bedtime prayer for toddlers in a meaningful way!
Christie Thomas,
How Sleep Benefits a Leader's Brain - Charles Stone
Every leader needs adequate sleep to lead well. In this post I describe 3 specific benefits sleep offers us.
Charles Stone,
Getting Organized Before a Crisis – Pathways to Organization
Many of you live in areas that have been hit hard with snow, ice and freezing temperatures this winter. Some of you may also have gone through hurricanes, tornadoes, loss of electricity or any number of emergencies.
Lane Jordan,
Where Is Safety Found? — The Spacious Place
I haven’t studied German since 10th grade, but I recently came across a German word that caught my attention. Geborgenheit . It can be described as “the sum of warmth, protection, security, trust, love, peace, closeness and comfort.” ( ) Alas, there really is no adequate English eq
Shay S. Mason,
Doubting Your Fears — Ami Loper
I used to be crippled by fear. Having been a fearful child, and then having been abused, threatened and stalked as a young adult, my filter saw everything through a lens of fear. But then a series of events began to expose the true nature of fear! Fear VS Faith Faith Have Faith Christian Blog
Ami Loper,
Praying Scripture— Peace
Scripture “I will lie down and sleep peacefully, for you, Lord, make me safe and secure.” Psalms 4:8— NET And “And now, dear friends, may the Lord of peace Himself grace you with …
Paula Short,

Group of Brands