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The Covid Effect - Jewell Utt
As we look back on this unusual year, let’s also take the opportunity to reflect on our state of mind. The things that are truly important and those which are not.
Jewell Utt,
The Privileged Life: Hand Sanitizer
“Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.” Psalm 51:7 Hand sanitizer is like the peel-and-stick postage stamp…a relatively recent, benevolent …
Nancy C. Williams,
The Covid Effect - Jewell Utt
As we look back on this unusual year, let’s also take the opportunity to reflect on our state of mind. The things that are truly important and those which are not.
Jewell Utt,
How I Met Mercy on Ireland’s Holy Mountain
I can’t celebrate St. Patrick’s Day without thinking of Croagh Patrick and I can’t think of Croagh Patrick without thinking of the tragedy…
Abigail Wallace,
Whiter than Snow - Jewell Utt
Cleanse me, and I will be whiter than snow. Ps 51:7 The snow leaves behind an awesome landscape of brightness, glistening in the sunlight. Whether you love winter or prefer spring, you can’t deny the beauty outside.
Jewell Utt,
A Simple Way to Explain the Gospel to Children - Enjoying the Journey
Few things are more important than children hearing and understanding the gospel. The Lord Jesus Christ openly received little children (Matthew 19:14), and taught that every one who is saved must come with the simple, humble faith of a child (Matthew 18:3). It is beautiful to see the plainness with which our Savior explained divine truth!
Scott Pauley,
The Privileged Life: Laundry
“But we are all like an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags; we all fade as a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.” Isaiah 64:6 …“So he sai…
Nancy C. Williams,
Whiter than Snow - Jewell Utt
Cleanse me, and I will be whiter than snow. Ps 51:7 The snow leaves behind an awesome landscape of brightness, glistening in the sunlight. Whether you love winter or prefer spring, you can’t deny the beauty outside.
Jewell Utt,
Sin. Plain and Simple | Psalm 51
Welcome to Real Life . Others sin. I make mistakes. Counting other people’s sins does not make you a saint. –Anonymous What is sin?…
Peggi Tustan,
Whiter than Snow
Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Psalms 51:7b Many of us love snow, at least visiting and enjoying it for a while. It offer…
Stephen De La Vega,

Group of Brands