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Caregiver Burnout and Compassion Fatigue
Caring for an aging parent or loved one can mentally and physically exhaust you. Remember your own self care. Caregiver burnout can creep up on you, here are some resources you might need.
Jane Daly,
Caregiver Burnout and Compassion Fatigue
Caring for an aging parent or loved one can mentally and physically exhaust you. Remember your own self care. Caregiver burnout can creep up on you, here are some resources you might need.
Jane Daly,
Caregiver Burnout and Compassion Fatigue
Caring for an aging parent or loved one can mentally and physically exhaust you. Remember your own self care. Caregiver burnout can creep up on you, here are some resources you might need.
Jane Daly,
Do You Suffer from Nighttime Awakeness? Janis had trouble sleeping. Find out how she was able to go back to sleep and sleep well.
Janis Cox,
Caregiver Burnout and Compassion Fatigue
Caring for an aging parent or loved one can mentally and physically exhaust you. Remember your own self care. Caregiver burnout can creep up on you, here are some resources you might need.
Jane Daly,
BW#43 Dealing with Expectations During the Holidays - Denise Pass
Real gratitude does not depend on our mood. It comes from a much deeper place, determined by faith, not feelings. Yet cultivating gratitude in an entitled, discontent culture requires intentionality and grace. Listen in for some inspiration and Happy Thanksgiving from Denise and Micah! May God fill all of our hearts with a genuine gratitude as we glorify Him with thanksgiving for all He has done for His people.
Denise Pass,
When the Music Stops
Yet, as at other times when the music of my life stops, a certain restlessness moves in. As if the rest somehow is misplaced.
Donna Bucher,
Advent’s Invitation to Stillness
Inviting us into a sacred space of stillness, Advent breathes Hope through the freshness of the incarnation into souls weary and world worn.
Donna Bucher,
When the Music Stops
Yet, as at other times when the music of my life stops, a certain restlessness moves in. As if the rest somehow is misplaced.
Donna Bucher,
Abiding in Christ
“Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you, unless you abid…
Russ Sharrock,

Group of Brands