Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
SD#70 Choosing to Stay and Become Whole, Part 2 - Denise Pass
Choosing to stay is hard. How do we stay when we constantly shift and drift? By facing life’s pain with Christ. This is abiding.
Denise Pass,
It's Not About Me - Sharon Jaynes
“Let them praise the name of the LORD, for his name alone is exalted; his splendor is above the earth and the heavens,” (Psalm 148:13 NIV). Some of my Girlfriends in God are not going to like this devotion. I’m not even sure I do. But I’m going to put it out there anyhow. During the month of February, Read more…
Sharon Jaynes,
Drowning in Fear
Standing on the precipice, I am paralyzed by the sound. ~~~ Unable to move or even think, the waves of fear and grief crash over me like a tsunami. ~~~ Overpowering. Taking over and completely sub…
Vickie Munton,
How to Find Hope in the Waiting
Are you wondering how to find hope in the waiting? Hold on to the hope of heaven and worship and your waiting will be a witness to the watching world.
Lyli Dunbar,
Where Are You Placing Your Trust?
In uncertain times we vacillate between trusting God, people, or ourselves. In the uncertainty of your days where are you placing your trust?
Donna Bucher,
7 Keys To Grow Closer To God - Part 3 - Pursuing Intimacy With God
7 keys to grow closer to God, part 3. How can you grow closer to God and have intimacy with God ? In part 3 we discover 2 more keys to grow closer to Jesus.
Kevin Bart,
8 Keys To Intimacy With God - Pursuing Intimacy With God
Keys to Intimacy With God. Bible studies book & site on intimacy with god, prayer, worship, God’s calling, abundant life, religion vs relationship with God
Kevin Bart,

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