Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Church and State: Striking the right balance in modern secular societies
The historical debate over the church and state relationship has persisted. In contemporary society, maintaining an equilibrium between religious freedom and governmental power is pivotal for democratic values. Such balance is vital to protect individual rights, foster societal unity, and sustain diverse societal advancement.Secularism, a cornerstone of modern democracies, involves...
Joseph Antonio Liao,
7 Questions to Ask Yourself to End your Day Well - Charles Stone
We must end our day as well as we began it. Consider asking yourself these 7 questions to end your day well.
Charles Stone,
Why war? (Genesis 10)
Honesty moment: do you skip over the genealogical lists when you read the Bible? Can’t see the significance? Genesis 10 lists the names of 70 nations, but there’s an intriguing message right in the…
Allen Browne,
Here's Why Christians Should Avoid the Teachings of Richard Rohr
Tracy grew up in the church, but when her identification as queer contradicted her Evangelical upbringing, she decided she no longer fit within that tradition. Through the teachings of Richard Rohr, she found a spiritual home with the practice of contemplative spirituality. Tracy’s experience mirrors that of many millennial ex-Evangelicals...
Alisa Childers,
Kan man bevisa att jorden är PLATT, eller en rund glob? Och vad säger Bibeln?
Den kristna attityden inför människor som har avvikande åsikter Flat-earth-filmer (innehållande platt-jord-argument) längre ner i artikeln. Läs gärna artikeln “Lista med 50 exempel som…
Annika Björk,
Jordens form enligt Bibeln och Enoks bok – platt med hörnpelare och himlavalv
Vad säger Bibeln om jordens form och rörelser? (Se bibelverser nedan.) Den absolut mest direkta bibeltolkningen är att jorden är platt och stationär, där alla kontinenter befinner sig på samma sida…
Annika Björk,
LISTA med bibelverser som visar på en platt jord med himlavalv i en geocentrisk värld
Bibelverser som talar om en geocentrisk värld “Har Gud verkligen sagt: — ?” (Satans kommentar i 1 Mos. 3:1) Kan vi verkligen lita på det Gud sagt i Bibeln vad gäller skapelseberättelsen och…
Annika Björk,

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