Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Podcast: Biblical Theology, Beale and Morales with Terry Feix
Check out the So We Speak podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Defining Biblical theology: A focus on themes or storylines that run through Scripture. This is contrasted with systematic theology, which categorizes each topic/doctrine in Scripture. An example is if we wanted to trace the theme of the Kingdom of God throughout Scripture. We would find where that theme is first introduced and trace its development through the Bible. Biblical theology helps us connect the overarching story of Sc...
Cole Feix,
Where Is Heaven, and What Are Some Major Misconceptions? - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
Pastor Todd Wagner and I sat down and discussed “Where is Heaven?”, as well as some common misconceptions about Heaven.
Randy Alcorn,
The Power Within -July Monthly SCRIPT-TIME
HELLO July Well HELLOOOOOO LE Family, I hope this blog reached you well and in good health! I have been thinking about new starts, sometimes it can be scary to step out and do something new, even i…
Kelleigh Wooderson-Hudson,
Made Perfect Together - Emmanuel Baptist Church
If we are in Christ, and we die, our souls will go to be with Jesus in Heaven (2 Corinthians 5:8, Philippians 1:23). This is a wonderful truth and significant source of comfort to God’s people. But it’s not the end of the story. Being a disembodied soul in heaven is not our ultimate hope.
Chris Hutchison,
New Series: GOD CAME. - Enjoying the Journey
God Came. In many ways, these two words summarize the message of the whole Bible! They encapsulate the love and […]
Scott Pauley,
The Opening Weekend of NFL Football, and Christ’s Companionship in Unanticipated Grief - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
Eternal Perspective Ministries is a Bible-believing, Christ-centered nonprofit organization founded by author Randy Alcorn.
Randy Alcorn,
Christ’s Resurrected Life Is the Model for Ours - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
Jesus walked the earth in His resurrection body for forty days, showing us how we would live as resurrected human beings.
Randy Alcorn,
The Difference between the Present Heaven and the Future Heaven - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
Many don’t realize that the present pre-resurrection Heaven and future post-resurrection Heaven are located in different places.
Randy Alcorn,
Our Most Destructive Assumption About Heaven - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
Many Bible-believing Christians would die before denying the doctrine of the resurrection—and yet they don’t fully believe it.
Randy Alcorn,
How can we worship God better? Learning from Leviticus - Connecting Truth to Life
What questions do you have about worshipping God? Did you know there was a whole manual written about worshipping God? The book is called Leviticus. Leviticus can be tedious to read. The sacrificial procedures no longer apply because they were symbols of things to come. Still, these symbols are rich with meaning and help us … How can we worship God better? Learning from Leviticus Read More »
Rodney Harrier,

Group of Brands