Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
You need the fire of God.
You need the fire of God. By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian ministry App: Revelation 3 vs 16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither…
Babatope Babalobi,
Mid-Summer Doldrums — iWork4Him
Our temperature swings in the Spirit. Some days we are really hot and some days we are really cold, but most of the time we are kind of tepid (lukewarm). What can we do to avoid the doldrum?
Jim Brangenberg,
“Don’t Be So Dogmatic!”
By Elizabeth Prata PODCAST/AUDIO here My literal, autistic brain always saw things in black and white. I like it that way. Only problem was, for the first 43 years of my life as a heathen, I sought…
Elizabeth Prata,
Trust in the Lord in ALL of Life's Seasons - Be Whole, Mom
It is not always easy to trust in the Lord, especially when life is hard. Even if your going through the winter, remember there is a purpose, even in this.
Julie Ann Filter,
The time I felt God pull away from me in prayer
I felt panic as soon as that door slammed. I realized with true gravity who I had just slapped in the face. I remember straightening up real quick, wiping my tears of self-pity and apologizing….
Gina Williamson,
The Anger Of God
In Psalm 2, the Psalmist said the nations were angry. And their anger was directed straight toward God. According to the rest of the verse, it was a waste of th
Robin McKinley,
Are You Fence Sitting?
Jesus isn’t fond of fence-sitting. He isn’t interested in half-hearted disciples. “He who is not with me is against me, and he who doe…
Russ Sharrock,
3 ways to know if God will find you strong and committed or find you lukewarm instead.
God reveals His warning and shows the path to take us from the lukewarm, weak existence to a strong, fully-committed life.
Janet Perez-Eckles,
3 ways to know if God will find you strong and committed or find you lukewarm instead.
God reveals His warning and shows the path to take us from the lukewarm, weak existence to a strong, fully-committed life.
Janet Perez-Eckles,
Is Your Life Hot, Cold, Or Surging To The Middle? - Christian Perspectives
The message to the church in Laodicea was not pleasant. Jesus said, “I know all the things you do, and your life is neither hot nor cold.”
Robin McKinley,

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