Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Of horseshoe crabs and barnacles
By Elizabeth Prata I love looking at God’s creation and praising Him for it. Job 38-42 has an extended treatment on creation spoken of by God Himself. When I was a pagan, I saw His creation a…
Elizabeth Prata,
The Math3ma Institute
By Elizabeth Prata Great news! Gather ’round, dweebs, nerds, and geeks! The Math3ma Institute is live! The Math3ma Institute is a research institute based at The Master’s University, “e…
Elizabeth Prata,
God Is
“If God is real, why doesn’t He show Himself to me?” “Where is the evidence of God’s existence?” “I need proof of God—where’s the proof?” We’ve all heard those questions—or perhaps more precisely,objections—before. But we should never be intimidated by them. Rather, we ought to follow the pattern Scripture lays out. The Bible presupposes, rather
John MacArthur,
The Bible Is Rational Truth
Thispost was first published during November 2019. –ed. The Bible isn’t some mystical transmitter of truth. It’s not a coded message with numerological keys. Nor does its text require ethereal insight to unlock its meaning. God has kindly chosen to communicate with man by engaging the mental faculties He has blessed us with—through the clear,
John MacArthur,
There’s ‘probably’ not a poisonous snake in this box
By Elizabeth Prata PODCAST HERE EPrata painting Spiritual war is real and it manifests as either good or evil fruit in today’s society. The war front is invisible, and it’s not aga…
Elizabeth Prata,
What About The Person Who Has Never Heard The Gospel?
The Southern California Harvest starts tomorrow! Hopefully, you have either invited someone, or are getting ready
Greg Laurie,
God Is Not Fair and Christmas Proves It, Part 2
Thispost was first published during December 2015. –ed. From an early age, we learn to spot hypocrisy—especially in the lives of our parents, teachers, and any other authority figures we hope to undercut. It’s a childish tactic for avoiding rules we don’t like and consequences we don’t want, and it’s one that many grownups still
John MacArthur,
The Uniqueness of God’s Wrath
The reality of God’s wrath doesn’t mean that He loses His cool with sinners and lashes out at them. This wrath is divine—it is the wrath of God. It is therefore unlike anything we know of in the present world. God’s wrath is not like human anger, which is always tainted by sin. God’s wrath
John MacArthur,
There really ARE ‘scales’ on the unsaved’s eyes
By Elizabeth Prata Did you know that you can look straight at something, and not see it? Ask any customer who was ever in a grocery store and asks the clerk where the Del Monte canned tomatoes are,…
Elizabeth Prata,
What do Aurora Australis, Romans 1, and Apostle Paul have in common?
In Romans 1, the famous passage in which Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit describes the pagans’ reaction to experiencing the God of Creation, begins in verse 18.For the wrath of …
Elizabeth Prata,

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