Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Are We Getting Smarter?
I’m thankful for the advances we’ve made in science. I love using a computer with a connection to this whole world-wide-web thingy. I love so much of the progress in technology, but we will never progress past our need for Jesus. And if I want to be more than smart—if I want to be wise—I need to start with Him.
Lynn H. Pryor,
3 Steps to Becoming Wise
I had one high school teacher I didn’t learn squat from. Granted, I was not a good student in those days because of poor study habits (that is, when I chose to study). I can’t blame my teachers for…
Lynn H. Pryor,
I was without excuse
By Elizabeth Prata I was looking through an old travel journal I’d kept on my first big trip. I was a senior in high school, and the class was taking a trip to London. My parents gave me the …
Elizabeth Prata,
Do Not Despise Wisdom - Damon J. Gray
T.S. Eliot is reputed to have asked, “Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?” Just as there is a difference between wisdom and knowledge, there is a difference between ignorance, naiveté, and foolishness, and it moves from bad to worse as we read from…
Damon J. Gray,
You Have Something the World Wants: Insight
Scripture has lots of names for those who follow Christ: believers, brethren, overcomers, disciples, saints. But did you know that it also calls us “those who have insight”?
Revive Our Hearts,
When Christians Get It Wrong - Booty and Treasures fer All!
UMC SplitWhen Christians Get It Wrong
Eddie Jones,
When Christians Get It Wrong - Booty and Treasures fer All!
UMC SplitWhen Christians Get It Wrong
Eddie Jones,

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