Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Movie Review: East Side Sushi
By Elizabeth Prata I found the needle in the haystack. East Side Sushi Doesn’t it seem that way, looking for a family friendly movie? You want good production values, well-written script, wel…
Elizabeth Prata,
What their anger about ‘Go Home’ reveals
By Elizabeth Prata In 2019 at the Truth Matters conference, there was a panel Q&A. Moderator Todd Friel of Wretched Radio ended the session with a sort of lightning round, by asking John MacArt…
Elizabeth Prata,
How Mothers Shape Future Men - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
Our most common commands might be mainly safety-oriented: “Always wash your hands before you eat.” “Wear sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher.” “Don’t forget your bike helmet or seatbelt.” Those are not necessarily bad commands. But if they are the primary teaching of a mother to a son, they will not keep a son safe, but handicap him.
Randy Alcorn,
When we are talking months, years, or even decades of cheating... - Divorce Minister
Dear friends, if we deliberately continue sinning after we have received knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice that will cover these sins. -Hebrews 10:26, NLT The longer someone has led a double-life of cheating, the less likely they will be able to repent and change. What sacrifice remains to cover that … Continue reading “When we are talking months, years, or even decades of cheating…”
David Derksen,
Inviting Persecution
Persecution may be a foreign experience for most of us, but it has been the norm for most Christians throughout church history. In a culture that seems increasingly hostile to the biblical worldview, we should not fear or panic. We can find the joy, comfort, and courage that God has provided for us in His
John MacArthur,
Straffar Gud barnen genom att låta fäders synder och missgärningar drabba dem?
2 Mos 20:4 Du skall inte göra dig någon bildstod eller någon avbild av det som är uppe i himlen eller nere på jorden eller av det som är i vattnet under jorden. 5 Du skall inte tillbe dem eller tjä…
Annika Björk,
Straffar Gud barnen genom att låta fäders synder och missgärningar drabba dem?
2 Mos 20:4 Du skall inte göra dig någon bildstod eller någon avbild av det som är uppe i himlen eller nere på jorden eller av det som är i vattnet under jorden. 5 Du skall inte tillbe dem eller tjä…
Annika Björk,
God made two genders and only two genders. Gender is not ‘fluid,’ nor should we misidentify our gender
By Elizabeth Prata In Genesis 1:26, God made man in His image. We don’t look like God nor do we possess His incommunicable attributes, but ‘in His image’ means as Phil Johnson pre…
Elizabeth Prata,
Även ROMARBREVET 9 stödjer människans fria vilja
Romarbrevet 9 – kalvinisternas favorit 1 Jag talar sanning i Kristus, jag ljuger inte. Mitt samvete betygar det också i den helige Ande, 2 ty jag har stor sorg och ständig vånda i mitt hjärta. 3 Ja…
Annika Björk,
7 Qualities to Look for in a Church
The COVID-19 shutdowns have created a renewed interest in virtual church services. What was once a temporary solution in the early days of the quarantine has become the preferred method for many. We believe that trend poses a danger to the church and to her members, and that this series, first published in November of
John MacArthur,

Group of Brands