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January 28 Bible Reading Plan - Denise Pass
Is there really one way to salvation? Isn’t this exclusive of God? Or is it His incredible kindness that good works don’t save us—but believing in Him does.
Denise Pass,
Do you know how to find Grace? - Raising Zion
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound // that saved a wretch like me // I once was lost but now am found // t’was blind but now I see 🎶🎵🌺 Most of us are quite familiar with the lyrics of this well-known song written by John Newton. Often I have even heard people quote the […]
Nehemiah Zion,
Paul in Perspective: Part 1, Luther and Sanders
Every evangelical has heard a presentation of the gospel that runs something like this: you are a sinner, unable to save yourself. But God, being rich in mercy, sent his only Son to live the perfect life you should have lived, to die the death you should have died, and to rise again three days later victorious over the sin and death you brought upon yourself. All you have to do is believe in him, and Christ’s perfect record will be counted as your own. This message has gone by many names—just…
Cole Feix,
Paul in Perspective: Part 3, Paul and the Jews
The previous posts have detailed the firestorm set off by E. P. Sanders’book Paul and Palestinian Judaism. It forever changed the traditional view of first-century Judaism and with it the modern view of Paul. Since Luther, it had become common to understand first-century Judaism as a form of legalism, a religion that prescribed works to heal the enmity between God and man. Sanders denied such a view, arguing that Judaism was, in fact, a religion of grace much like Paul’s. Therefore, Paul, in …
Cole Feix,
The Danger of Ignorant Zeal
Being a member of a healthy church isn’t an end in itself. It’s a wonderful blessing and privilege to sit under the faithful teaching of a shepherd who rightly handles God’s Word. But we must never allow that blessing from God to cultivate complacency in our relationship with Him. The nation of Israel serves as
John MacArthur,
God’s Sovereignty and Our Gospel Responsibility
God is absolutely sovereign in the calling and conversion of His elect.As we have seen previously, the apostle Paul makes that cardinal truth inescapably clear in Romans 9. But why preach the gospel if God is sovereign over His redemptive work? Why call on sinners to repent and believe if the work belongs to God?
John MacArthur,
Why the gospel calls for faith (Romans 1:17)
We live because God does right out of his faithfulness to us. So, faithfulness to God leads us to do right as we live.
Allen Browne,
The Blessing of Ishmael — House of David Ministries
Most of us probably know the story of Abraham and Hagar, Sarah’s Egyptian maidservant. She became Abraham’s second wife and bore his first son, Ishmael. Conflict and jealousy arose within the family which led to Ishmael’s banishment, not only from Abraham’s household but also from his father’s inher
Eric M. Teitelman,
The Blessing of Ishmael — House of David Ministries
Most of us probably know the story of Abraham and Hagar, Sarah’s Egyptian maidservant. She became Abraham’s second wife and bore his first son, Ishmael. Conflict and jealousy arose within the family which led to Ishmael’s banishment, not only from Abraham’s household but also from his father’s inher
Eric M. Teitelman,
Mystery of the Olive Tree — House of David Ministries
“For if you were cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and were grafted contrary to nature into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these, who are natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree? I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers and sisters, so t
Eric M. Teitelman,

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