Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
When Imitation is More Than Flattery
Each one of us has a unique calling that only we can fulfill.
Denise Pass,
If 30 Trillion Cells Can Work Together, We Can Too.
We are the United States, but we are anything but united. In fact, we are the opposite of united; we seem to be totally at odds with one another. We can blame the Republicans, the Democrats, social…
Lynn H. Pryor,
A Good Way to Live Longer
We all know that good health is essential to a long life. We heard it when we were kids. Eat your vegetables. Go outside and play. Ride your bike. Be active. Even as adults, our doctors tell us the…
Lynn H. Pryor,
The Body of Christ Now, New Jerusalem Soon
First Corinthians 12:13 tells us that “in one Spirit we were all baptized into one Body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free.” Whatever our nationality or status was, the Spi…
Don Martin,
Why Membership? - Emmanuel Baptist Church
At our church business meeting on Sunday evening, the issue of church membership will be brought to our attention once again. Perhaps you’ve wondered, “Why does EBC practice membership? Is membership a human tradition we’ve added to the Bible? Or just a piece of red tape the government requires? Why should anyone become a formal
Chris Hutchison,
Seven Scriptures to Provide Insight to the Coronavirus Crisis (ODE to 20/20 Vision) - After the Altar Call
Seven Bible Scriptures to Provide Insight to the Coronavirus Crisis (ODE to 20/20 Vision)
Jacqueline J. Holness,
3 Reasons to Get Involved at Church
When you’re tempted to slip in and out of church anonymously, consider what you’re missing.
Revive Our Hearts,
3 Reasons to Get Involved at Church
When you’re tempted to slip in and out of church anonymously, consider what you’re missing.
Jason Davis,
Our Unity is in Christ Alone - Damon J. Gray
This past Sunday, the sermon delivered to my local church family was a strong message on the unity of believers, drawn from the opening verses of Ephesians four. Over and over, we see the apostle Paul addressing issues of division in the body of Christ, believer against believer. Jesus marched toward his death praying (literally)…
Damon J. Gray,
How is Addiction like Idolatry?
If addiction were an issue only non-Christians struggled with then there would be little point in me (or any other Christian) addressing the problem. What non-Christians do and don’t do should not …
Lisa Price,

Group of Brands