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What Eternity-Impacting Ministries Is God Calling You to Support? - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
In Scripture there are many examples of gospel patrons, although they are generally found in the verses we read right over on our way to the “good stuff.
Randy Alcorn,
Patronesses Phoebe and Susanna: Two named women in the Bible
By Elizabeth Prata Susanna and Phoebe are both mentioned as women who believed in Jesus and supported his ministry. In Romans 16:2 Phoebe is named as a benefactor, and Susanna was giving out of her…
Elizabeth Prata,
Ethics from a convict (Ephesians 4:1)
“As a jailbird, I urge you to live up to your calling.” That has to be one of the funniest sentences in the Bible. Do you really want to learn ethics from a criminal? It makes no sense if you don’t…
Allen Browne,
RÄTTFÄRDIG enligt Bibeln – pga Jesus rättfärdighet eller vår egen?
Predikaren 7:30 Se, endast detta har jag funnit att Gud skapade människorna RÄTTSINNIGA. Men SEDAN har de tänkt ut många onda planer Det finns oändligt många verser som säger att vi är rättfärdiggj…
Annika Björk,

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