Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Unlimited: Him Who Is Able To Establish You | Good News Unlimited
God has the power to establish us in the Gospel.
Eliezer Gonzalez,
Unlimited: Him Who Is Able To Establish You | Good News Unlimited
God has the power to establish us in the Gospel.
Eliezer Gonzalez,
The Heart of the Gospel
In the opening words of his first epistle to the Corinthians, Paul wrote, “Christ did not send me to baptize, butto preach the gospel” (1 Corinthians 1:17, emphasis added). Just a few verses later, he wrote, “We preachChrist crucified” (1 Corinthians 1:23, emphasis added). Then a paragraph or two after that, he wrote again, “I
John MacArthur,
What God Prepared for Those Who Love Him
Many posts in January 2024 emphasized that New Jerusalem is spiritual; it is not a physical city. All the characteristics of New Jerusalem must be interpreted spiritually; they should not be unders…
Don Martin,
What God Prepared for Those Who Love Him
Many posts in January 2024 emphasized that New Jerusalem is spiritual; it is not a physical city. All the characteristics of New Jerusalem must be interpreted spiritually; they should not be unders…
Don Martin,
How Is the Bible Organized? And Why?
Organization matters in books, articles, and especially the Bible. With 1,189 chapters of sacred text, we need divine organization. Fortunately, our all-wise God gave the men who organized the Bible wisdom and logic.
Revive Our Hearts,
The Mystery of God is Finished
Revelation 10:7 tells us that when the seventh trumpet sounds, “the mystery of God is finished” and that this is “good news.” The good news is “The kingdom of the worl…
Don Martin,
En evighet i brinnande helvete är inte vad Bibeln lär ut
Betydelsen av det grekiska ordet aion Guds gåva till de rättfärdiga är EVIGT LIV. Syndens lön däremot är EVIG DÖD, som är de orättfärdigas lön. Alternativen handlar alltså om evigt liv vs evig död.…
Annika Björk,
God's Firstborn — House of David Ministries
The term firstborn is used extensively throughout the Bible, and God makes it clear that He holds a unique interest and affection for those who are His firstborn , whether of man, plant, or the animal kingdom. It is written, “Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: ‘Now behold, I Myself have taken
Eric M. Teitelman,
God's Firstborn — House of David Ministries
The term firstborn is used extensively throughout the Bible, and God makes it clear that He holds a unique interest and affection for those who are His firstborn , whether of man, plant, or the animal kingdom. It is written, “Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: ‘Now behold, I Myself have taken
Eric M. Teitelman,

Group of Brands