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Looking for Heaven on Earth
I am all for improving society and culture. But what should that society look like? My Democratic friends tell me one thing. My Republican friends tell me another. My evangelical friends in the fun…
Lynn H. Pryor,
"But I'm a Good Person!"
The world is full of good people. They are generous with their resources. They help old ladies cross the streets safely. They pay their taxes. They mow the neighbour's grass and shovel out his driveway. They look after their families and their pets. They try not to run over the crossing guards in school zones. They don't hoard toilet paper during the COVID-19 pandemic, making sure there is enough for everyone. Congratulations! And then Paul comes along and tells us this: "There is no one righteo
Lynda Schultz,
"But I'm a Good Person!"
The world is full of good people. They are generous with their resources. They help old ladies cross the streets safely. They pay their taxes. They mow the neighbour's grass and shovel out his driveway. They look after their families and their pets. They try not to run over the crossing guards in school zones. They don't hoard toilet paper during the COVID-19 pandemic, making sure there is enough for everyone. Congratulations! And then Paul comes along and tells us this: "There is no one righteo
Lynda Schultz,
Is Morality on the Decline or Not?
The headline certainly caught my attention. Morality is declining, right? Scientists say that idea is an illusion. Wait, what? Morality is NOT declining?? The same newsfeed that gave me this articl…
Lynn H. Pryor,
Is Morality on the Decline or Not?
The headline certainly caught my attention. Morality is declining, right? Scientists say that idea is an illusion. Wait, what? Morality is NOT declining?? The same newsfeed that gave me this articl…
Lynn H. Pryor,
How to Get Out of Jail
If you’re from Georgia, this name probably won’t be new to you, but I recently learned about Eugene Talmadge. Everything I’ve read about Talmadge tells me he was a … character. Colorful and controv…
Lynn H. Pryor,
Dreaming of the Future
Dreaming of the future. The Heavenly Father longs to have you in His dwelling.
Tanja Tuovinen,
Could You Use Some Self-Healing Concrete?
Faithful readers of this blog know I am a woodworker. Not by profession; it is my avocation, something that keeps me from roaming the streets. It will come as no surprise, then, that I picked up a …
Lynn H. Pryor,
When Protests Stop Being Protests
It’s getting to the point I don’t want to turn the news on. Where have protests and rioting broken out today? A contentious spirit is sweeping through our country, and it shows no signs of easing u…
Lynn H. Pryor,
The Gift of Mom Guilt
Motherhood thrusts us into a spin cycle of guilt. No matter how hard we try, we can’t seem to get this important role right, feeding an undercurrent of discouragement, disappointment, and despair. But what if mom guilt were a gift instead of a curse? What if God would use it to build something beautiful in you and your family?
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