Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Getting Off on the Wrong Two Feet
Two arms, two legs, ten fingers, ten toes. Perfect! All is good in the maternity ward. Or so it seemed… When will …
Stephen De La Vega,
Run Away From Temptation Island
by Elizabeth Prata EPrata photo Purposeful Temptation Just the title of this new reality show is enough to tell you all the Christian needs to know: “Temptation Island”. The TV show blu…
Elizabeth Prata,
Four Changes the Church can Make that Will Help Save Both the Church and the Culture-
God is still on His throne and He still good. God is still in the business of redemption and He still does His best work through His people. God is calling us be the reforming and healing presence …
Lisa Price,
Four Changes the Church can Make that Will Help Save Both the Church and the Culture-
God is still on His throne and He still good. God is still in the business of redemption and He still does His best work through His people. God is calling us be the reforming and healing presence …
Lisa Price,
Comprehensive Corruption
When it comes to man’s fallen nature, Scripture is clear about the depth and breadth of its defilement. The apostle Paul delivers a blunt assessment of man’s sinful corruption in his epistle to the Romans. As it is written, “There is none righteous, not even one; there is none who understands, there is none who
John MacArthur,
Why No Man Seeks After God
Seeking God is what fallen sinners ought to do, and God has every right to command them to do it. But they don’t come. They disobey His commands—as is their common practice. In fact, they can’t come, because they love their sin too much. Their attachment to sin amounts to a kind of bondage that
John MacArthur,
Fruits Of The Holy Spirit - Goodness - Pursuing Intimacy With God
Fruits of the Holy Spirit – Goodness. God wants to fill us with His love, patience, kindness, goodness… So many will see Him and His love through us
Kevin Bart,
Is it ALWAYS Sinful to Judge the Behavior of Others?
If I were to venture a guess, I would say the best known and most quoted Bible verse of all time would have to be Matthew 7:1: “Judge not lest you be judged”. Bible believing Christians as well as…
Lisa Price,
Is it ALWAYS Sinful to Judge the Behavior of Others?
If I were to venture a guess, I would say the best known and most quoted Bible verse of all time would have to be Matthew 7:1: “Judge not lest you be judged”. Bible believing Christians as well as…
Lisa Price,

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