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"But I'm a Good Person!"
The world is full of good people. They are generous with their resources. They help old ladies cross the streets safely. They pay their taxes. They mow the neighbour's grass and shovel out his driveway. They look after their families and their pets. They try not to run over the crossing guards in school zones. They don't hoard toilet paper during the COVID-19 pandemic, making sure there is enough for everyone. Congratulations! And then Paul comes along and tells us this: "There is no one righteo
Lynda Schultz,
"But I'm a Good Person!"
The world is full of good people. They are generous with their resources. They help old ladies cross the streets safely. They pay their taxes. They mow the neighbour's grass and shovel out his driveway. They look after their families and their pets. They try not to run over the crossing guards in school zones. They don't hoard toilet paper during the COVID-19 pandemic, making sure there is enough for everyone. Congratulations! And then Paul comes along and tells us this: "There is no one righteo
Lynda Schultz,
Comprehensive Corruption
When it comes to man’s fallen nature, Scripture is clear about the depth and breadth of its defilement. The apostle Paul delivers a blunt assessment of man’s sinful corruption in his epistle to the Romans. As it is written, “There is none righteous, not even one; there is none who understands, there is none who
John MacArthur,
What's In A Name?
BENT, BROKEN, UNBOWED The Ten Commandments for Today IT’S MUCH MORE THAN SWEARING Are names important? What do people think when they hear the word “God”? Does how that name is used have an effect on what people think of Him? Research on the effect of a child’s name on that child reveals that kids with unusual names do worse in school, suffer in their careers and in their relationships, compared to kids with “normal” names. The warning conveyed to parents is to be careful what they name their ki
Lynda Schultz,
What's In A Name?
BENT, BROKEN, UNBOWED The Ten Commandments for Today IT’S MUCH MORE THAN SWEARING Are names important? What do people think when they hear the word “God”? Does how that name is used have an effect on what people think of Him? Research on the effect of a child’s name on that child reveals that kids with unusual names do worse in school, suffer in their careers and in their relationships, compared to kids with “normal” names. The warning conveyed to parents is to be careful what they name their ki
Lynda Schultz,
The True Source of Spiritual Life
This post was first published in September, 2019. —ed. People don’t always do the things they know they should. Whether it’s eating vegetables, paying bills promptly, or getting to bed on time, some people’s everyday actions defy what they know to be best. That’s often the same for believers with our Bibles. God’s people may
John MacArthur,
The True Source of Spiritual Life
People don’t always do the things they know they should. Whether it’s eating vegetables, paying bills promptly, or getting to bed on time, some people’s everyday actions defy what they know to be best. That’s often the same for believers with our Bibles. God’s people may recognize the importance of feeding on God’s Word even
John MacArthur,
Sin’s Corruption of Our Conduct
All false religions lie to us about man. While most of them concede that man has not reached perfection, they refuse to acknowledge the bare sinful facts of life and history. They insist on offering a system of human achievement that can please God. Only God’s Word tells us the painful yet loving truth that
John MacArthur,
The Fullness of God in Helpless Babe
The following blog post was originally published onDecember 17, 2014.—ed. The world’s Christmas celebration is bound up in a disturbing incongruity. On the one hand, people go to great lengths to support and sustain the legend of Santa Claus, using his mystical benevolence to leverage good behavior from their children. On the other hand, they
John MacArthur,
Fear of Christ? (Ephesians 5:21)
Is he scary? Fear of Christ is a phrase found just once (Ephesians 5:21). It’s the generic word for fear (phobos). Many translations render it as “reverence” or “respect”, but that isn’t strong enough. In a kingdom perspective, fear of Christ displaces every fear. Old Testament In the ancient world,...
Allen Browne,

Group of Brands