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I feel like a failure and I think that's a good thing
How do you respond to yourself in the midst of failure? We live in a world where successes are often very public. Social media feeds tell us all about how our neighbors, friends, acquaintances, and that random old friend from high school are succeeding. They tell us about grad school graduations, new home purchases, promotions, babies, parties and celebrations. They don’t tell us about failure, but the Bible does.
Molly Wilcox,
Seeker vs. Sinner
The following blog post was originally published on February 27, 2015.—ed. Does an unregenerate man bear a spark of the divine that draws him to a relationship with God, or is he utterly lost in the total depravity of his sin nature? While that might seem like an obscure theological question, don’t dismiss it as
John MacArthur,
True, Lasting Happiness Is Found in Jesus, Not Sex or Sexual Identity - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
Satan would like us to believe that people who have sex outside marriage are happier, but that’s a lie.
Randy Alcorn,
Martyn Lloyd Jones on Sin - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
“What is the matter with the world?” Martyn Lloyd-Jones asked. “Why . . . war and all this unhappiness and turmoil and discord amongst men? . . . There is only one answer to these questions—sin. Nothing else; it is just sin.” Addiction provides a picture of all sin patterns....
Randy Alcorn,
The Good News About God’s Wrath
Ray Comfort once told me that sinners seek after God in the same way a thief seeks after a policeman. That’s a colorful way of describing the fallen human condition, but it’s also biblically accurate. The apostle Paul put it succinctly: “There is none who seeks for God” (Romans 3:11). John MacArthur expands on this
John MacArthur,
Does Grace Still Amaze You? - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
True grace recognizes and deals with sin in the most radical and painful way: Christ’s redemption.
Randy Alcorn,
Sin’s Corruption of Our Conduct
All false religions lie to us about man. While most of them concede that man has not reached perfection, they refuse to acknowledge the bare sinful facts of life and history. They insist on offering a system of human achievement that can please God. Only God’s Word tells us the painful yet loving truth that
John MacArthur,
How to Receive True Riches
You don’t buy or earn your way into an inheritance. The Greek word translated “inheritance” (klēronomia,1 Peter 1:4) speaks of possessions passed down from generation to generation. You receive them simply because you’re a family member. The apostle Peter describes the means by which believers gain membership in the family of God: “[He] caused us
John MacArthur,
Are you futilely carrying water in a sieve?
By Elizabeth Prata Israel is a dry land. It is verdant in some areas where it is close to the humid Mediterranean, and in the north rain does fall between November and March. More than 70% of the a…
Elizabeth Prata,
Justified Before God — House of David Ministries
Justification and regeneration are closely related doctrines. Regeneration occurs in believers' hearts when they receive Christ and become “born again.” It refers to an impartation of life and is God’s answer to the problem of sin and spiritual death. In comparison, justification by faith is the fou
Eric M. Teitelman,

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