Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Jesus: Son of Man
Not only is Jesus the Son of God, equal to and of the same essence of God the Father, and having all the same attributes, but He is also fully human. How do we know that Jesus is human? Consider th…
Michael Floyd,
Jesus: Son of Man
Not only is Jesus the Son of God, equal to and of the same essence of God the Father, and having all the same attributes, but He is also fully human. How do we know that Jesus is human? Consider th…
Michael Floyd,
A Devastating Exchange
By Elizabeth Prata If some of you plume yourselves with the notion that you are righteous, I pray God to pluck those fine feathers off you and make you see yourselves, for if you never see your own…
Elizabeth Prata,
Creation & Science - Emmanuel Baptist Church
You may have noticed that in Sunday’s message on creation, I didn’t use the word “evolution” once. But I also hope you noticed that the biblical teaching on creation is 100% incompatible with the idea that life on planet earth emerged through a slow, gradual process of evolution. Some people want to soften this point,
Chris Hutchison,
How Then Shall We Live? (Pt. 3)
In our last post we talked a little about what it means to be holy and to grow in Christ. We said that holiness is a work of God with which we cooperate in His transforming us into the image of Chr…
Michael Floyd,
One Race, One Remedy
While this short series was first published over a year ago, we believe it could not be more timely. As worldly, corrupting influences seep into the church, we trust that these vital truths will help God’s people calibrate their hearts, minds, and words according to Scripture. The following blog post was originally published onMay 9,
John MacArthur,
How Then Shall We Live? (Pt. 3)
In our last post we talked a little about what it means to be holy and to grow in Christ. We said that holiness is a work of God with which we cooperate in His transforming us into the image of Chr…
Michael Floyd,
To Heaven and Back: Another Visit-to-Heaven Book - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
Eternal Perspective Ministries is a Bible-believing, Christ-centered nonprofit organization founded by author Randy Alcorn.
Randy Alcorn,
Did Adam and Eve Really Exist? Does It Matter?
I will never forget the first time my faith was challenged intellectually. A question was asked about the literal existence of Adam and Eve, with the implication that if you still believe that they existed historically, and that the Garden of Eden was an actual geographical place, then you are...
Alisa Childers,
Ease into the Bible: What’s the Main Point?
The Bible sells more than any other book in history and creates beautiful societies when governed by it. But what’s the main point of the Bible?
Revive Our Hearts,

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