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Love's Frets and Rubs - Joyfully Pressing On
Enduring loves welcome frets and rubs. They look beyond this life. That’s how they rise to heaven. I think that’s what C.S. Lewis meant about how love becomes holy charity. About how natural love for our kids and friends and mates turns into the unnatural-supernatural-agape love. As in, the greatest of these is love. Charity. When Love Isn’t So Read More
Abigail Wallace,
Embracing the Bulb — Broken & Hopeful
I am absolutely a fair-weather gardener. I prefer my time outside to be sunny with a comfortable temperature that doesn’t require my fingers to freeze or my face to hurt. Spring planting, summer tending and fall harvesting all fit into this comfort level most years. One of my favorite days of the ye
Hannah Morrell,
Recognizing God in the Struggles of Life — Broken & Hopeful
My friend and mentor Mike Wells used to talk about recognizing God in everything a lot. He probably taught it often because all of us needed the reminder constantly. When things happen in our lives that seem bad, it’s really hard to recognize God in them. We want to get an answer to why circumstance
Hannah Morrell,
Embracing the Bulb — Broken & Hopeful
I am absolutely a fair-weather gardener. I prefer my time outside to be sunny with a comfortable temperature that doesn’t require my fingers to freeze or my face to hurt. Spring planting, summer tending and fall harvesting all fit into this comfort level most years. One of my favorite days of the ye
Hannah Morrell,
God Never Wastes Pain
Although we don’t always understand suffering, we can rest in hope, knowing it’s not purposeless. It will accomplish God’s good work in our lives.
Maureen Hall Puccini,
A Song in my Spirit... - After the Altar Call
Hello World, Have you ever up woke up thinking about a song…It happens to me every once in a while….And it did this morning…And I even have a verse that I think expresses the message of this song… Romans 5:3-5 (New International Version) 3Not only so, but we[a] also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know […]
Jacqueline J. Holness,
Your Pain Has a Purpose
When suffering visits our lives we should embrace it, not seek to insulate ourselves from it.
Revive Our Hearts,
God and America — iWork4Him
There is no question that today’s America is not the same America our Founding Fathers created. Since the very first day our Fore Fathers declared independence from Great Britain, the enemy has been working overtime to destroy a country built on freedom. Still, today the United States of America remains the freest nation in the world.
Jim Brangenberg,
Family is not to be comfortable but transformational. - Bravester
We want family to be comfortable because of what we have idealized. And planned for. But heartbreak still happens. It will transform you.
Brenda Seefeldt Amodea,
Hope that Does Not Disappoint | Surviving a Brain Tumor
Welcome to Real Life . What will tomorrow bring? A phone call or a doctor’s report can change our world in an instant. Though life is uncert…
Peggi Tustan,

Group of Brands