Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Living Out the Why of Christmas
Too often at Christmastime we get so caught-up in the hullaballoo that surrounds Christmas that we lose our sense of wonder and astonishment at the beauty that lies at the heart of the Christmas st…
Lisa Price,
Living Out the Why of Christmas
Too often at Christmastime we get so caught-up in the hullaballoo that surrounds Christmas that we lose our sense of wonder and astonishment at the beauty that lies at the heart of the Christmas st…
Lisa Price,
Overcoming Sin Consciousness
“Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you (Galatians 5:1). Sin consciousness relates to the awareness of our sin nature…
Anneta Pinto,
The Son Heals Many — Including Old Pete's Ema-in-law - Booty and Treasures fer All!
The Son Heals Many. Should not this woman, a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has kept bound for eighteen long years, be set free?
Eddie Jones,
A Frisky Sort of Joy: 3 Reasons to Leap
Photo by Timon Studler on Unsplash But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings. You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall. And you shall tread down the wicked… Malachi 4:2-3a (ESV) Have you ever kicked up your...
Abigail Wallace,
Fighting Temptation Like Jesus
In our fight against sin, we must look to the One who was tempted in every way, yet was perfect. Jesus can teach us everything we need to know about how to fight temptation and sin.
Chrys Jones,
The Armor of God: Pick Up Your Shield of Faith
There’s only one effective way to protect yourself against the schemes of the devil, and it’s not wishful thinking.
Revive Our Hearts,
Calvinism is man-centered, and elect individuals have reasons to be proud
Due to my concern for christians trapped in Calvinism (and others who are at risk), I include the below text parts from Jesse Morell. I believe that the doctrines within Calvinism unfortunately and…
Annika Björk,
Blog Archives
​ This year I am working on memorizing Hebrews with a close friend. When we discussed it, we thought it would be a monumental task but well worth the effort. We decided that there shouldn't be a...
Chrys Jones,
Do You Believe You are Who God Says You Are? - Sharon Jaynes
We all have defining moments in our lives. The most important one is when we accept Jesus as Savior and Lord. I became a Christian when I was a teenager, but it would be many, many years before I stopped living like a spiritual pauper and started living like a child of the King. I wonder if you can relate? Read more…
Sharon Jaynes,

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