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Newness of Life for New Jerusalem
The death and resurrection of Jesus, and our participation in them (Rom. 6:3-6), are the beginning of our journey to New Jerusalem. Romans 6:4 says, “We have been buried therefore with Him th…
Don Martin,
Newness of Life for New Jerusalem
The death and resurrection of Jesus, and our participation in them (Rom. 6:3-6), are the beginning of our journey to New Jerusalem. Romans 6:4 says, “We have been buried therefore with Him th…
Don Martin,
Serve God in God Himself, in Spirit
New Jerusalem has a living temple; “the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb are its temple” (Rev. 21:22). The temple being the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb signifies that the Triun…
Don Martin,
New Jerusalem Matches God’s Divine, Golden Nature
The angel showing New Jerusalem to John “had a golden reed as a measure that he might measure the city and its gates and its wall….And he measured the city with the reed.” (Rev. 2…
Don Martin,
New Jerusalem Matches God’s Divine, Golden Nature
The angel showing New Jerusalem to John “had a golden reed as a measure that he might measure the city and its gates and its wall….And he measured the city with the reed.” (Rev. 2…
Don Martin,
An Illustration From Marriage (Romans 7:1-6)
Paul illustrates the marriage vow between two people (Romans 7:1-6). More clearly, Paul uses this illustration of the law of marriage. God has exclusive possession of you—spirit, soul, and body. If that troubles you, then maybe you’ve not completely died to self. Think about it. Once you were ma …
Christine Malkemes,
“Jag ska ge er ett nytt hjärta” i Hes. 36:26-27 handlar inte om att Gud utväljer till frälsning
Gud väljer inte ut ett antal människor och ger dem TRO och FRÄLSNING Hes. 36:26 Jag skall ge er ett nytt hjärta och låta en ny ande komma in i er. Jag skall ta bort stenhjärtat ur er kropp och ge e…
Annika Björk,
16 Powerful Bible Verses About New Beginnings For Christians
Sometimes you become exhausted in life when things keep on falling apart. Thank God it’s a new day. Just start relying on Bible verses about new beginnings.
Anthony Eshun,
“Jag ska ge er ett nytt hjärta” i Hes. 36:26-27 handlar inte om att Gud utväljer till frälsning
Gud väljer inte ut ett antal människor och ger dem TRO och FRÄLSNING Hes. 36:26 Jag skall ge er ett nytt hjärta och låta en ny ande komma in i er. Jag skall ta bort stenhjärtat ur er kropp och ge e…
Annika Björk,
We Live in and by the Spirit unto New Jerusalem
Here are some verses about the Spirit which has regenerated and is mingled with our human spirit: Acts 16:7, “the Spirit of Jesus did not allow them” Romans7:6, “we serve in newne…
Don Martin,

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