Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
The Depth of God’s Riches, Wisdom, and Knowledge
God desires that the many aspects of His wisdom be displayed today through the church. Even more, New Jerusalem will bring forth the rich variety of God’s wisdom. In these posts we are lookin…
Don Martin,
But…there are gay penguins, right?
By Elizabeth Prata It’s ‘pride in one’s homosexual sin’ month. Mother gets a day but sodomy gets a month. Hm. That’s normal in a world where evil is called good and go…
Elizabeth Prata,
For What "Good" Is God Working All Things Together?
In the lead-up to the Truth Matters conference in October, we will be focusing our attention on the sufficiency, authority, and clarity of Scripture. Of our previous blog series, none better embodies that emphasis thanFrequently Abused Verses.The followingentry fromthat series originally appeared on September 28, 2015. -ed. You’ve probably heard the proverb “Familiarity breeds contempt.”
John MacArthur,
A.W. Tozer on God’s Wisdom and Our Waiting-for-Redemption World - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
Tozer, one of my all-time favorite authors, makes a great analogy in this sermon, shared in the book The Attributes of God Volume 2: Deeper into the Father’s Heart. (Thanks to EPM’s Stephanie Anderson for skillfully shortening the original.) Hope you enjoy this too. —Randy
Randy Alcorn,
For What "Good" Is God Working All Things Together?
This post was originally published in September 2015. -ed. You’ve probably heard the proverb “Familiarity breeds contempt.” That’s often true with relationships and institutions, as your close proximity reveals cracks and blemishes you wouldn’t notice in passing. However, when it comes to Scripture, familiarity usually breedscarelessness. Many of the “Frequently Abused Verses” we’re considering have
John MacArthur,
In for the Long-Haul
Grocery shopping has become a surreal experience – from the wearing a mask and gloves to getting your temperature checked with new devices that no one was using a year ago. But then it became a disconnect experience. I admit, I had been reading a science fiction novel, so maybe I was hallucinating?
Dvora Elisheva,
Jesus: Our Rescuer
As we have seen, Jesus is the Son of God (fully God) and the Son of Man (fully man). Some call Him the God-Man. By itself this would (or should) make Jesus the most important person in all of…
Michael Floyd,
Jesus: Our Rescuer
As we have seen, Jesus is the Son of God (fully God) and the Son of Man (fully man). Some call Him the God-Man. By itself this would (or should) make Jesus the most important person in all of…
Michael Floyd,
Why I Believe in a Literal Interpretation of Genesis. Part-3
“He who made the Pleiades and Orion And changes deep darkness into morning, Who also darkens day into night, Who calls for the waters o…
Russ Sharrock,
What Gets us through the Tough Stuff of Life with our Faith in Tact?
Improved living conditions have raised our expectations for happiness to a level that cannot always be met. Truth-be-told most of us (including me) feel entitled to be comfortable, healthy, happy a…
Lisa Price,

Group of Brands