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Trusting in the Sovereignty and Love of God - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
Eternal Perspective Ministries is a Bible-believing, Christ-centered nonprofit organization founded by author Randy Alcorn.
Randy Alcorn,
Is My Suffering Meaningless? — Vaneetha Risner
While it sounds cruel to say that God willed my infant son’s death, believing my son died against God’s will is far worse. I am thankful that God is in all my suffering and it all has purpose.
Vaneetha Risner,
The Bedrock of Holiness
Check out the So We Speak podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. With the rapidity of the recent sexual revolution, COVID-19, and our confusing and fast-paced culture, the question stands: What does living in holiness within this ever-changing culture look like? What does it look like to live for Jesus? The answer: Whatever happens in our culture, Christians will only be of value to the extent that they pursue holiness. Holiness matters. Modern-day American culture works against biblical moral…
Cole Feix,
True Praise & Worship Of God - Part 4 - Pursuing Intimacy With God
In True Praise & Worship of God Part 4 we continue to look at the many benefits of starting your fellowship time with God and your day with praise & worship.
Kevin Bart,
The Grace of Gratitude
I began a genuine heart search for the cause of ingratitude. My initial search kept reverberating one phrase, “the grace of gratitude”.
Donna Bucher,
Why We Can Go Confidently into 2021
This year has been the longest decade of my life! For months, we have all been saying, “I can’t wait for 2021.” We’re ready to get the turmoil of 2020 behind us; we’re ready for a change. Unfortuna…
Lynn H. Pryor,
All Things Work Together For Good & How Gears Help With Romans 8:28
There are good things and there are bad things and bad things are not good things. But somehow God works ALL things for good. It’s staggering, Romans 8:28.
Abigail Wallace,
When It’s Hard to See God at Work
We’re coming up on the second anniversary of the pandemic, and I saw a sign: “The pandemic is about to enter the terrible twos!” That would be funny if it didn’t feel so tru…
Lynn H. Pryor,
Why I Wrote MEEK NOT WEAK (& A Request) - Joyfully Pressing On
I resented those who had hurt my feelings and blocked my way. If meekness is yielding to God’s hand and resting there, then I was not meek.
Abigail Wallace,
A Heart After God’s Heart
Instead of rebuke, her reply echoed, “Your heaviness stems from the Spirit’s work in your life, as He gives you a heart after God’s heart.”
Donna Bucher,

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