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Hope in the midst of decay and destruction | Blogs for Christian Living
The infestation began in seemingly small and insignificant ways and has led to destruction. Our hope is in aligning with Christ.
Mark Henslee,
Prayers against witchcraft: Witchcraft altars in my family, break!
To be the head and not the tail is to be a winner and not a loose. The passage below gives us a clear and concise meaning of what it takes to be a winner Romans 8:37: Nay, in all these things we ar…
Babatope Babalobi,
Failure — Broken & Hopeful
How many times have you found yourself stewing on all the failures of your day, or your life? This obsessing on stupid decisions, words spoken and actions left undone, will lead us eventually to feeling as though we are failures. There is a big difference between failing sometimes and being a failur
Hannah Morrell,
Letter to a Dying Believer - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
In your darkest hours, may you sense the arms of Jesus around you.
Randy Alcorn,
Six choices that make you a victor.
What we choose determines if we become victims or victors. A post to empower you.
Janet Perez-Eckles,
The Strength Within Us...and Grace and Truth Link Up - Lauren Sparks
I know King Solomon declared that there was nothing new under the sun, but the scribes who wrote his words could not have imagined the internet. But there is hope for parenting teens.
Lauren Sparks,
Playing the “Who Would Win?” Game
Have you played the game called “Who Would Win?” Two names are matched against each other in a fictitious fight, and you have to explain why you think one would win. Batman v. Superman …
Lynn H. Pryor,
You Can Walk Confidently Through Life - Damon J. Gray
If you have spent any time at all in these blog postings, you know that Alean and I have a cat, though we often refer to him as “It” or “The Pest.” “Did you feed it?” “I would get up and get you a glass of water, but I have ‘this’ on my lap.” His…
Damon J. Gray,
Readjusting Our Expectations about Being Persecuted for Our Faith - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
As Americans we’ve been slow to accept the extent to which Bible-believing Christ-followers have become socially unacceptable.
Randy Alcorn,
Six choices that make you a victor.
What we choose determines if we become victims or victors. A post to empower you.
Janet Perez-Eckles,

Group of Brands