Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Sunday Stillness - Don't stumble - Growing Through God's Word
Sunday Stillness – Don’t stumble This is my first Sunday of my blogging holiday – and this Scripture tells it all.. I want to trust God. I am taking off the comments as I find that I can’t take that time and I don’t want to leave them unread. But – and I am serious… Continue reading Sunday Stillness – Don’t stumble
Janis Cox,
The Power of Words: Shame
I’ve been thinking about the word “shame” lately. We all know what shame is, but I think we rarely think of it in its full meaning. According to Webster, shame is a painful emotion caused by consciousness of guilt, shortcoming, or impropriety. I’ve been seeing a lot of finger pointing on the Interne
Dvora Elisheva,
Crisis management, how to overcome crisis
Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that … he that 4believeth shall not make haste. 1 Rom 9:33, 1st Pet 2:6 … Overcome crises and do not a…
Babatope Babalobi,
The Power of Words: Shame
I’ve been thinking about the word “shame” lately. We all know what shame is, but I think we rarely think of it in its full meaning. According to Webster, shame is a painful emotion caused by consciousness of guilt, shortcoming, or impropriety. I’ve been seeing a lot of finger pointing on the Interne
Dvora Elisheva,
Stay Hopeful.
Good day beautiful readers, I pray that this message meets you well? Today’s post is going to be supppeerrr short (I’ve been sooo busy and I’ve had a lot going on), but nonetheless I pray that this…
Mary-Ann Oyejobi,
Jesus är KLIPPAN som kyrkan ska byggas på och inte PETRUS – Matt. 16:18
Bekännelsen att Jesus är Messias och Guds son är den klippa/grund som kyrkan ska byggas på, och inte Petrus, Maria, Johannes, Abraham eller någon annan Bibeln lär att Jesus är Frälsaren, Guds son, …
Annika Björk,
The Importance of Bible Reading
Reading the word of God is also another essential part of the Christian faith. I remember reading a book were the author stated ‘If you want to know how much you love God, ask yourself how much you…
Mary-Ann Oyejobi,
Jesus är KLIPPAN som kyrkan ska byggas på och inte PETRUS – Matt. 16:18
Bekännelsen att Jesus är Messias och Guds son är den klippa/grund som kyrkan ska byggas på, och inte Petrus, Maria, Johannes, Abraham eller någon annan Bibeln lär att Jesus är Frälsaren, Guds son, …
Annika Björk,
Peter is not the ROCK on which the Church is built (Matt.16:18)
There are not several rocks which the Church is built upon but ONE. The ROCK is clearly identified as Jesus Christ which the below verses clearly show. Deut.32:3 Because I will publish the name of …
Annika Björk,
Why I Still Preach the Bible
This post was first published in January, 2014. —ed. Sadly and ironically, in its attempt to achieve cultural relevance, mainstream evangelicalism has become essentially irrelevant. As Os Guiness points out,[1]the seductive promise of “relevance” is, in reality, the road to irrelevance. When the church markets itself like the world, the distinctiveness of its message is
John MacArthur,

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