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Restore your life - Are deceivers blinding You to God's purpose for your life? - Growing Through God's Word
Are you looking to restore your life and purpose? What is distracting you? Join us at Growing Through God’s Word and find others who are working together to follow Jesus.
Janis Cox,
Restore your life – Are deceivers blinding You to God’s purpose for your life?
Are you looking to restore your life and purpose? What is distracting you? Join us at Growing Through God's Word and find others who are working together to follow Jesus.
Janis Cox,
How does the Bible describe Weak Women? Strong Women?
By Elizabeth Prata We need godly examples of women who are strong in godly ways. These women who are strong in the right ways aren’t seen by many. This is either because the culture tries to …
Elizabeth Prata,
The Madison County Red Raiders Monument and scripture misuse
Last Friday, an issue blew up in our county. The Freedom from Religion Foundation and the American Humanist Association separately lodged letters ordering the Superintendent and School Board to rem…
Elizabeth Prata,
How does the Bible describe Weak Women? Strong Women? Part 2
By Elizabeth Prata Yesterday I wrote about what the Bible calls weak women, though the world insists these are in fact strong ladies. They are not. Tune in or read here to see what is really a weak…
Elizabeth Prata,

Group of Brands