Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Getting It Off Your Chest
Excerpt from my book The Shut Up Book A 40 day Biblical Approach to Controlling Your Mouth Titus 2:1 But as for you, speak things which are fitting for sound doctrine…. Repeat after me ̶…
Frank Walker,
iRetire4Him – Mentoring in Action – Taking a Trip - Week Four — iWork4Him
Spending time with someone is valuable – no matter what you are doing. A trip gets us away from their normal, so we can engage them in intentional conversation. You might even be able to help them appreciate their parents better…
Jim Brangenberg,
Getting It Off Your Chest
Excerpt from my book The Shut Up Book A 40 day Biblical Approach to Controlling Your Mouth Titus 2:1 But as for you, speak things which are fitting for sound doctrine…. Repeat after me ̶…
Frank Walker,
Why is Affirming Biblical Truth Important for All of Us? - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
Lots of people believe everyone will go to Heaven or that Hell doesn’t exist. Where do people get these ideas? Our theology tends to come from sources we trust. Some people, instead of trusting Scripture, believe a hodgepodge of pop psychology and pop religion, with a little New Age philosophy...
Randy Alcorn,
How To Be A Sound Believer? - Raising Generation Zion
How sound are you as a believer? Do you know the day you accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour you have been blessed with heaven’s riches?
Nehemiah Zion,
Pelagius var ingen irrlärare, men däremot Augustinus som förnekade människans fria vilja
Pelagius hade samma teologiska syn som kyrkofäderna före honom Pelagius levde ca 354-418 e.Kr. och var en brittisk präst och en respekterad teolog med goda kunskaper i latin och grekiska (till skil…
Annika Björk,
Faith Minus Reason Equals Irrational Unbelief
Thispost was first published during April 2014. –ed. Many people mistakenly think of faith as inherently noble. A once-popular song extols the virtue of faith, or believing: “I believe for every drop of rain that falls, a flower grows.” No onereallybelieves that, of course, but that is not the point. The song is a paean
John MacArthur,
The Doctrinal Crisis in American Evangelical Churches: What Can We Do? - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
If we don’t somehow reverse the doctrinal decay in our evangelical churches, this dominant trend will continue.
Randy Alcorn,
The Seven Churches Series- Laodicea the Church that Gives us Hope (Seriously)
The people in the church were wealthy, sophisticated and self-sufficient. They were also far from God and uninterested in an authentic relationship with Him. The first century church in Laodicea di…
Lisa Price,
Faith Minus Reason Equals Irrational Unbelief
Many people mistakenly think of faith as inherently noble. A once-popular song extols the virtue of faith, or believing: “I believe for every drop of rain that falls, a flower grows.” No onereallybelieves that, of course, but that is not the point. The song is a paean to faith—without regard to thecontentof that faith. Theobjectof
John MacArthur,

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