Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Know Your Stuff
Titus 2:15 These things speak and exhort and reprove with all authority. There is a point where you have to say something, where you have to step in and make a stand. When that time comes yo…
Frank Walker,
Know Your Stuff
Titus 2:15 These things speak and exhort and reprove with all authority. There is a point where you have to say something, where you have to step in and make a stand. When that time comes yo…
Frank Walker,
The Servant Leader Teaches With Authority
This post was originally published in March 2019.–ed. In a culture that despises authority and submission, many people have been conditioned to distrust anyone who speaks authoritatively or represents an objective, external standard. Christians must not succumb to such skepticism. We should not join the world’s knee-jerk cynicism for anyone who speaks authoritatively. This is
John MacArthur,
Is The Evangelical Movement Really "Evangelical"?
What denominational label would best describe the following person’s religious beliefs? He claims to be a committed, born-again Christian but isn’t sure that Jesus is truly God incarnate. He isn’t convinced that God has infallible knowledge of (much less sovereign control over) the future. He doesn’t believe the Bible is truth without any mixture of
John MacArthur,
Our Authority In Christ Jesus
In 1 Corinthians 10, the Apostle Paul took the opportunity to defend the authority he had in Christ. And you could say, he did it with authority. I’m not t
Robin McKinley,
Ulf Ekman och Biskopsämbetet – Vad säger Bibeln?
Jag vill inte gå in på Ulf Ekmans övriga åsikter och eventuella kopplingar till katolska traditioner, men jag vill gärna kommentera den senaste åsikten om ett biskopsämbete vad gäller artikeln i Da…
Annika Björk,
What Does it Mean to Be a Submissive Wife?
A submissive wife. Are you kidding me? You want me to be my husband’s slave? You want me to do everything he tells me to do and bow to him? I hear it all the time fromwomen in onlinegroups and forums. Whether it is assumed that the wife is to be a passive participant while
Sue Nelson,
When should we rebuke and when should we show meekness and gentleness?
Jesus rarely used strong words There are only a few occasions in the Bible where we can see Jesus using some “strong words” and where he called people “names”, but unfortun…
Annika Björk,

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