Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Christian, Are You Suffering?
Read 1 Peter 4:12-19. We may have been told that when we accept Christ, then there will only be sunshine and roses. We may have even believed it's only ...
Christine Malkemes,
Life Today, February 2018
As mentioned in the Forward of Refiner’s Fire this is the story of God’s sovereignty in the life of a sojourner. It is the story of how the Triune God has had me on a path of refining for ma…
Wanda Parker,
To Acknowledge God’s Sovereign Reign and Will —Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven; This portion of the prayer is evangelistic in nature. “Your kingdom come, Your will be done” is really a prayer of invitation, of inviting God to extend and enlarge His kingly reign and will (thelema, “wishes, desires”) to this earth. And what is His will, His one wish and desire? It’s very simple. “…not wishing (thelema, again) that any should perish, but that all should reach rep
Denise Kohlmeyer,
What do we do When God Ordains Trouble in our Lives?
If you live long enough and serve faithfully enough you will likely find yourself in the middle of a mess you did not make and have no clue how to fix. When trouble comes and life feels out of cont…
Lisa Price,
What do we do When God Ordains Trouble in our Lives?
If you live long enough and serve faithfully enough you will likely find yourself in the middle of a mess you did not make and have no clue how to fix. When trouble comes and life feels out of cont…
Lisa Price,
Strike the shepherd (Zechariah 13:7-9)
Why was the shepherd of God’s people struck? Why did Jesus relate Zechariah’s message to himself and the scattering of his little flock?
Allen Browne,
The Names Of God In The Bible - Part 2 - Pursuing Intimacy With God
Learning the names of God is useful to learn the character traits of God. Seek God with all your heart, and He will reveal Himself in real and personal ways.
Kevin Bart,
The Names Of God & Their Meanings - Pursuing Intimacy With God
The names of God. Bible study book & site on intimacy with God, prayer, praise, worship, God’s calling, abundant life, religion vs relationship with God…
Kevin Bart,

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