Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Teach Women Titus 2: 3-5 ONLY - Impacting Righteously
Is it true that Apostle Paul instructs women to never teach other women anything else besides Titus 2: 3-5? Well, I have observed that there are “fundamentalist” religious people, their…
Petrina Ferguson,
The New Apostolic Reformation: Movement or Myth? With Dr. Doug Geivett, Holly Pivec, and Dr. Michael Brown — The Alisa Childers Podcast #19
​​If you enjoyed this post, please subscribe to have my weekly blogs and podcasts delivered directly to your inbox. I have a question for you Alisa. I grew up in a church that believed that the Spiritual Gifts of healing, speaking in tongues, decernment, and other Gifts were done away...
Alisa Childers,
Will the Real Jesus Please Stand up?
It is not at all unusual for people (Christian people) to say “my Jesus” or “the God I worship”. Nine times out of ten “my Jesus” or “the God I worship” is followed by a statement of what “their” G…
Lisa Price,
Will the Real Jesus Please Stand up?
It is not at all unusual for people (Christian people) to say “my Jesus” or “the God I worship”. Nine times out of ten “my Jesus” or “the God I worship” is followed by a statement of what “their” G…
Lisa Price,
The Four Soils: Beside the Road
This post was first published in August, 2017. —ed. Ineffective evangelism can cause a lot of soul searching for the one evangelizing. Some re-evaluate the message while others question their methodology. But those are only worthwhile endeavors insofar as the message remainsfaithfulto the one true gospel (Galatians 1:8–9) and the methodology isobedientto Christ’s command: “That
John MacArthur,
What do the “Harsh” Passages in the Bible Teach us about Dealing with Hurt and Pain?
I will not lie.That psalm was a salve to my weary, confused and broken soul. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt I was seen, understood and loved by the God of the universe. At that moment I felt lik…
Lisa Price,
What do the “Harsh” Passages in the Bible Teach us about Dealing with Hurt and Pain?
I will not lie.That psalm was a salve to my weary, confused and broken soul. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt I was seen, understood and loved by the God of the universe. At that moment I felt lik…
Lisa Price,
7 Abusive And Strange Teachings I recovered From - Impacting Righteously
Many churches have become a haven for deception, greed, and abuse of power. Bible literacy and discernment are key tools for protection.
Petrina Ferguson,
Explaining the trinity for muslims
We are told to beware of false prophets Galatians 1:8-9: But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned! As we h…
Annika Björk,
Myten att vara frälst av TRO ALLENA – 150 exempel på GÄRNINGAR som krävs
“I sen alltså att det är AV GÄRNINGAR som en människa bliver rättfärdig, och ICKE av tro allenast” (Jak. 2:24 – 1917) Vi får ofta höra att vi inte behöver göra någonting mer än at…
Annika Björk,

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