Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Does Fear Nullify Your Identity?
Have you ever felt ashamed for being scared? I have. I often hear an accusing voice that says, "If you were a real Christian, you wouldn't be afraid."
Amy Burgin,
How Jesus Started His Leadership Journey
Jesus was practically unknown by the world for most of his life. When John baptized Him at the age of 30 he launched into ministry. I believe there are important lessons for every leader contained …
Matik Nicholls,
How Jesus Started His Leadership Journey
Jesus was practically unknown by the world for most of his life. When John baptized Him at the age of 30 he launched into ministry. I believe there are important lessons for every leader contained …
Matik Nicholls,
Pray This Prayer for Provision - Booty and Treasures fer All!
Pray This Prayer for Provision
Eddie Jones,
Why did satan say ‘IF’ you are the Son of God?
By Elizabeth Prata In Matthew 4:3, at the Temptation of Jesus, the devil said to Jesus, And the tempter came and said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.” In…
Elizabeth Prata,
Don’t Buy The Lie: Suffering ≠ Unloving
God’s silence in your suffering does not mean you’re not loved. Don’t buy that lie. Psalm 22 teaches us to keep talking back to God.
Abigail Wallace,
Don’t Buy The Lie: Suffering ≠ Unloving - Joyfully Pressing On
God’s silence in your suffering does not mean you’re not loved. Don’t buy that lie. Psalm 22 teaches us to keep talking back to God.
Abigail Wallace,
Three Vignettes from Matthew (Part 2) - Damon J. Gray
Last week we saw Jesus do the unimaginable – he actually touched a leper. Directly on the heels of that, in Matthew’s gospel account, Jesus violates yet another societal norm. He interacts with a non-Jew, a Gentile. Immediately after coming down from the mountain, and cleansing the leper, Jesus entered Capernaum. The city of Capernaum,…
Damon J. Gray,
Taking Time to Focus on Your Finances
When we feel unhealthy, we reconsider our eating and fitness habits. When spiritually depleted, we pray and read the Bible. When our houses are dirty, we clean them. How about when our finances need attention? I suggest having financial focus times. Take a few hours every few months to review, organize, plan, and make decisions.
Patrick Blair,
Did Jesus claim to be God, as the Jews said in John 10:33?
Did the Jews say, in John 10:33, that Jesus claims to be God? Who did Jesus really claim to be? What does the title “Son of God” mean?
Andries Jacobus van Niekerk,

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