Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Charles Spurgeon on the Sweetness of Tasting God’s Word - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
God’s Words are full of substance—they are spirit, they are life, they are to be fed upon by the spiritually hungry!
Randy Alcorn,
Helping Our Kids Engage God With All 5 Senses - Little Shoots, Deep Roots
Of the 9 worship styles for kids, a child that leans toward the Sensate style likely is always touching, hugging, sniffing and tasting things, maybe even at inappropriate times. Let’s talk about engaging God with
Christie Thomas,
Mmm Chocolate - Creative Tuesdays - Growing Through God's Word
Joining Michael at Creative Tuesdays. Art prompt, “chocolate”. mmm chocolate. I used watercolour pencils to create my entry.
Janis Cox,
The Divine Language of Bees
God treated me with a flurry of bee activity: Lingering, the divine language of bees invited me into captivating revelations of the Creator.
Donna Bucher,
4 Keys To Read, Study & Apply The Bible To Your Life! — SAMUELDEUTH.COM
I absolutely love reading the Bible! If you're reading this, then you might feel the same way, or maybe you secretly don't enjoy reading the Bible but you feel guilty about that and want to figure out how to love reading it and how to really be able to understand and apply God's word?! Psalm 119:
Samuel Deuth,
4 Keys To Read, Study & Apply The Bible To Your Life! — SAMUELDEUTH.COM
I absolutely love reading the Bible! If you're reading this, then you might feel the same way, or maybe you secretly don't enjoy reading the Bible but you feel guilty about that and want to figure out how to love reading it and how to really be able to understand and apply God's word?! Psalm 119:
Samuel Deuth,
Sermon: Power in the Word of God
By Pastor Enoch Adeboye Memorise: “That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word” (Eph 5:26) Read: 2 Samuel…
Babatope Babalobi,
When You Don’t Want to Read the Word
How do you become a woman who desires God’s Word deeply once again?
Jason Davis,
The Soil of Our Heart
As I typed this during a very rainy morning, I was reminded of the unfortunate fact that we have an area in our backyard that becomes a muddy mess when it rains. Instead of mud, I would enjoy flowe…
Kenneth Chad Roberts,
How Can Reading God’s Word Promote Lasting Happiness? - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
Our happiness is proportionate to our investment in studying God’s Word. My conversion to Christ didn’t just make me a better person; it made me a happier person.
Randy Alcorn,

Group of Brands