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Robert Jamieson; A. R. Fausset; David Brown

Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible - 1 Samuel 2:27

27. there came a man of God unto Eli, and said . . . that there shall not be an old man in thine house—So much importance has always, in the East, been attached to old age, that it would be felt to be a great calamity, and sensibly to lower the respectability of any family which could boast of few or no old men. The prediction of this prophet was fully confirmed by the afflictions, degradation, poverty, and many untimely deaths with which the house of Eli was visited after its announcement (see... read more

Thomas Constable

Expository Notes of Dr. Thomas Constable - 1 Samuel 2:11-36

B. The Contrast between Samuel and Eli’s Sons 2:11-36Samuel’s innocence and the godlessness of Eli’s sons contrast strongly in this pericope (section of text). Samuel would succeed and become a channel of God’s blessing. Eli’s sons would fail, would become a source of frustration to Eli and the Israelites, and would ultimately perish."The section [1 Samuel 2:11 to 1 Samuel 4:1] poignantly illustrates the theme of ’Hannah’s Song’ as it is epitomized in 1 Samuel 2:7 b, ’he brings low, and also... read more

Thomas Constable

Expository Notes of Dr. Thomas Constable - 1 Samuel 2:27-36

4. The oracle against Eli’s house 2:27-36The rest of the chapter explains why God would put Eli’s sons to death (1 Samuel 2:25). The specific criticism that the man of God (a prophet, cf. 1 Samuel 9:9-10) directed against Eli and his sons was two-fold. They had not appreciated God’s grace extended to them in the Exodus deliverance nor the opportunity to serve Him as priests (1 Samuel 2:27-29). "Kick at" (NASB, 1 Samuel 2:29; cf. Deuteronomy 32:15) means to "scorn" (NIV, Heb. ba’at). It is a... read more

John Dummelow

John Dummelow's Commentary on the Bible - 1 Samuel 2:1-36

Hannah’s Song of Thanksgiving. The Sin of Eli’s Sons1-10. The Song of Hannah.This beautiful poem has been well called the ’Magnificat of the Old Testament.’ The song of the Virgin Mary (Luke 1:46-55) is clearly modelled on it very closely. In each case there is the rejoicing over the exaltation of the poor and despised and the humiliation of the rich. But there is a world of difference between Mary’s quiet and restrained gratitude and calm confidence in God’s mercy, on the one hand, and the... read more

Charles John Ellicott

Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers - 1 Samuel 2:11-36

(11-36) The Service of the boy Samuel in the Sanctuary—The Dissolute Life of the Sons of Eli—The Doom of the House of Ithamar. read more

Charles John Ellicott

Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers - 1 Samuel 2:27

(27) There came a man of God.—Of this messenger of the Highest, whom, from his peculiar title, and also from the character of his communication, we must regard as one of the order of prophets, we know nothing. He appears suddenly on the scene at Shiloh, nameless and—as far as we know—homeless, delivers his message of doom, and disappears.The term “man of God” we find applied to Moses and to different prophets some forty or more times in the Books of Judges, Samuel, and Kings. It occurs, though... read more

William Nicoll

Expositor's Dictionary of Texts - 1 Samuel 2:1-36

The Unrecognized Voices of God 1 Samuel 2:7 We turn to the revelation in Christ for comfort, only to realize how long the silence has been since God spoke to men in Him. What we long for is to hear God for ourselves, to hear Him speak today. I. God speaks to men today. Unless God speaks now we cannot really believe that He ever spoke to men. It is absurd to imagine that a revelation was made to men through long centuries and closed in the year, say, a.d. 70, and no voice from the great Unseen... read more

William Nicoll

Expositor's Bible Commentary - 1 Samuel 2:11-36

CHAPTER IV.ELI’S HOUSE.1 Samuel 2:11-36.THE notices of little Samuel, that alternate in this passage with the sad accounts of Eli and his house, are like the green spots that vary the dull stretches of sand in a desert; or like the little bits of blue sky that charm your eye when the firmament is darkened by a storm. First we are told how, after Elkanah and Hannah departed, the child Samuel ministered unto the Lord before Eli the priest (1 Samuel 2:11); then comes an ugly picture of the... read more

Arno Clemens Gaebelein

Arno Gaebelein's Annotated Bible - 1 Samuel 2:11-36

3. The Failure of Eli and His Sons CHAPTER 2:12-36 1. The wicked sons of Eli (1 Samuel 2:12-17 ) 2. Samuel before Jehovah and Hannah blessed (1 Samuel 2:18-21 ) 3. The empty warning of Eli (1 Samuel 2:22-26 ) 4. Judgment announced (1 Samuel 2:27-36 ) The corruption of the sons of aged Eli is next exposed. They were sons of Belial; they knew not Jehovah, and yet they ministered in the outward things of the sanctuary. It could result only in the worst corruption. They handled holy... read more

John Calvin

Geneva Study Bible - 1 Samuel 2:27

2:27 And there came a man of God unto Eli, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Did I plainly appear unto the house of thy {s} father, when they were in Egypt in Pharaoh’s house?(s) That is, Aaron. read more

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