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Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - 1 Timothy 5:21

I charge thee before God - The apostle would have Timothy to consider that all he did should be done as in the sight of God, the Father of the spirits of all flesh; in the sight of Christ, the Savior of sinners, who purchased the Church with his own blood; and in the sight of the most holy, approved, and eminent angels, whose office it was to minister to the heirs of salvation. The word εκλεκτοι , elect, applied to the angels here, is supposed to distinguish those who stood, when others... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - 1 Timothy 5:22

Lay hands suddenly on no man - Do not hastily appoint any person to the sacred ministry: let the person be well proved before he receives the imposition of hands. Some understand this of laying hands on the sick. Neither be partaker of other men's sins - It is a sin for any improper person to thrust himself into the sacred office; and he partakes of that sin who introduces, helps him forward, or sanctions him in it. O, what an account will rash, undiscerning, and prejudiced bishops,... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - 1 Timothy 5:23

Drink no longer water, but use a little wine - The whole of this verse seems, to several learned critics and divines, strangely inserted in this place; it might have been, according to them, a note which the apostle inserted in the margin of his letter, on recollecting the precarious state of Timothy's health, and his great abstemiousness and self-denial. I believe the verse to be in its proper place; and, for reasons which I shall adduce, not less necessary than the directions which precede... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - 1 Timothy 5:24

Some men's sins are open beforehand - In appointing men to sacred offices in the Church, among the candidates Timothy would find, Some of whom he knew nothing, but only that they professed Christianity; let such be tried before they are appointed. Some of whose faith and piety he had the fullest knowledge, and whose usefulness in the Church was well known. Some whose lives were not at all or but partially reformed, who were still unchanged in their hearts, and unholy in their lives. ... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - 1 Timothy 5:25

Likewise also the good works of some - Though those who are very holy and very useful in the Church cannot be unknown, yet there are others not less holy who need to be brought forward; who do much good in private; and their character and good works are not fully known till after diligent inquiry. These are they who do not let their left hand know what their right doeth. After so long and minute an examination of the subjects in this chapter, little remains to be said in the way of farther... read more

John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - 1 Timothy 5:21

Verse 21 21I adjure thee before God Paul introduced this solemn appeal, not only on account of the very great importance of the subject, but likewise on account of its extreme difficulty. Nothing is more difficult than to discharge the office of a public judge with so great impartiality as never to be moved by favor for any one, or to give rise to suspicions, or to be influenced by unfavorable reports, or to use excessive severity, and in every cause to look at nothing but the cause itself; for... read more

John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - 1 Timothy 5:22

Verse 22 22Lay not hands suddenly on any man There can be no doubt that he intended to guard Timothy against ill-will, and to obviate many complaints, which are continually arising against the godly servants of Christ, who refuse to comply with the ambitious requests of any. For some accuse them of sternness; others of envy; and some exclaim that they are cruel, because they do not at once receive those who boast of having some recommendatory qualities. This is what we abundantly experience in... read more

John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - 1 Timothy 5:23

Verse 23 23No longer drink water There are some who conjecture that this sentence, which breaks off the train of thought, was not written by Paul. But we see that Paul was not so anxious about keeping up the close connection of a discourse, and that it was very customary with him to intermingle a variety of statements without any arrangement. Besides, it is possible that what had been formerly written in the margin of the Epistle afterwards found its way into this passage through the mistake of... read more

John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - 1 Timothy 5:24

Verse 24 24The sins of some men are visible beforehand As there is nothing that distresses more the faithful ministers of the Church, than to see no way of correcting evils, and to be compelled to endure hypocrites, of whose wickedness they are aware and to be unable to banish from the Church many who are destructive plagues, or even to hinder them from spreading their venom by secret arts; (115) Paul supports Timothy by this consolation, that, when it shall please God, they, will one day be... read more

John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - 1 Timothy 5:25

Verse 25 25In like manner also the good works He means, that sometimes piety and other virtues obtain early and speedily their applause among men; so that great men are held in estimation; and that, if it happen otherwise, the Lord will not suffer innocence and uprightness to be always oppressed; for it is often obscured by calumnies, or by clouds, but at length shall be fulfilled the prediction, (Daniel 12:3; Matthew 13:43,) that God will cause them to shine forth like the dawn of the day. But... read more

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