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Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17

The apostle's main design in this Epistle is to correct a most disquieting error that had arisen upon this point. I. THE PANIC IN THE THESSALONIAN CHURCH . 1 . It was concerning the date of the second coming of Christ. "Touching the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together unto him." The facts of this august event had been prophetically described in the First Epistle. 2 . The misapprehension caused a sort of panic. "That ye be not soon shaken in... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - 2 Thessalonians 2:2

That ; to the end that, the purpose for which the apostle besought the Thessalonians. Ye be not soon ; quickly. This has been variously interpreted, "so soon after my exhortation," or "so soon after my departure from Thessalonica," or "so soon after your reception of the gospel," or "so soon after this opinion of the imminence of Christ's coming was promulgated." Others refer it to manner rather than to time—"soon and with small reason" (Alford). Shaken ; agitated like the waves by a... read more

Albert Barnes

Albert Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible - 2 Thessalonians 2:2

That ye be not soon shaken in mind - The word here used signifies, properly, to be moved as a wave of the sea, or to be tossed upon the waves, as a vessel is. Then it means to be shaken in any way; see Matthew 11:7; Matthew 24:29; Luke 6:38; Acts 4:31; Hebrews 12:26. The reference here is to the agitation or alarm felt from the belief that the day of judgment would soon occur. It is uniformly said in the Scriptures, that the approach of the Lord Jesus to judge the world, will produce a great... read more

Joseph Benson

Joseph Benson's Commentary of the Old and New Testaments - 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2

2 Thessalonians 2:1-2. We beseech you, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ As you look for Christ’s second coming, and expect comfort from it; or rather concerning his coming, as the preposition υπερ is understood to signify in other places of Scripture, and in other authors. For he does not beseech by the coming of Christ, but his coming is the subject of which he is treating; and it is in relation to this subject that he desires them not to be disturbed. And by Concerning; our... read more

Donald C. Fleming

Bridgeway Bible Commentary - 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12

The day of the Lord (2:1-12)Some of the Thessalonians thought that the final day of the Lord had already come. Paul states firmly that they did not get such an idea from any prophecy, preaching or letter of his (2:1-2). That day will not come until there is open and widespread rebellion against God, led by one known as the man of lawlessness (RSV; NIV) or the wicked one (GNB). This person will recognize no authority, Christian or otherwise, apart from his own, and will put himself in the place... read more

E.W. Bullinger

E.W. Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes - 2 Thessalonians 2:2

That = To the end that. App-104 . soon = quickly. in = from. App-104 . or = nor. Greek. mete. Same as neither and nor, below. be troubled . Greek. throeomai. Elsewhere, Matthew 24:6 . Mark 13:7 . by . App-104 . 2 Thessalonians 2:1 . spirit = spirit-communication. App-101 . word . App-121 . from . App-104 . 2 Thessalonians 2:1 . Christ = the Lord, as the texts. The day of Christ is the day of 2 Thessalonians 2:1 . Compare Philippians 1:1 , Philippians 1:10 ; Philippians 2:16 . The... read more

James Burton Coffman

Coffman Commentaries on the Bible - 2 Thessalonians 2:2

to the end that ye be not quickly shaken from your mind, nor yet be troubled, either by spirit, or by word, or by epistle as from us, as that the day of the Lord is just at hand;This is Paul's denial that he ever taught that the judgment day was "at hand" in his lifetime. True, some of the Thessalonians had mistakenly understood it that way, but it was their fault by doing so, not Paul's; and in the same manner, the exegetes of our own times who are always prattling about Christ and the... read more

Thomas Coke

Thomas Coke Commentary on the Holy Bible - 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2

2 Thessalonians 2:1-2. Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming, &c.— Dr. Heylin has it, Now, with respect to the coming, &c. and our being assembled with him,—I desire, brethren, 2 Thessalonians 2:2 that you would not inconsiderately change your sentiments, and be alarmed by any revelation, or discourse, or letter, as from us, as if the day of Christ were to come immediately. Michaelis thinks, that the second verse relates to some epistles forged in St. Paul's name, to propagate the... read more

Robert Jamieson; A. R. Fausset; David Brown

Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible - 2 Thessalonians 2:2

2. soon—on trifling grounds, without due consideration. shaken—literally, "tossed" as ships tossed by an agitated sea. Compare for the same image, Ephesians 4:14. in mind—rather as the Greek, "from your mind," that is, from your mental steadfastness on the subject. troubled—This verb applies to emotional agitation; as "shaken" to intellectual. by spirit—by a person professing to have the spirit of prophecy (1 Corinthians 12:8-10; 1 John 4:1-3). The Thessalonians had been warned (1 Thessalonians... read more

Thomas Constable

Expository Notes of Dr. Thomas Constable - 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2

Paul introduced his teaching by urging his readers not to be shaken from their adherence to the truth he had taught them by what they were hearing from others. The issue centered on Paul’s instructions concerning the Rapture (2 Thessalonians 2:1, cf. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). Other teachers were telling the Thessalonians that the day of the Lord had already begun (2 Thessalonians 2:2). This seemed to be a distinct possibility since Scripture describes that day as a time of tribulation as well... read more

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