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John Gill

John Gills Exposition of the Bible Commentary - Acts 17:30

And the times of this ignorance God winked at ,.... Not that he approved of, or encouraged such blindness and folly, as appeared among the Gentiles, when they worshipped idols of gold, silver, and stone, taking them for deities; but rather the sense is, he despised this, and them for it, and was displeased and angry with them; and as an evidence of such contempt and indignation, he overlooked them, and took no notice of them, and gave them no revelation to direct them, nor prophets to... read more

John Gill

John Gills Exposition of the Bible Commentary - Acts 17:31

Because he hath appointed a day ,.... The day of judgment is fixed by God in his eternal purposes, and is sure and certain, and will come, though it is not known by men or angels; and this is a reason why God will have the doctrine of repentance everywhere published, both to Jews and Gentiles, since all must come to judgment: and the day for it is appointed by him, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness ; the whole world will be judged, and every individual in it, good and... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Acts 17:22

Paul stood in the midst of Mars' hill - That is, in the midst of the judges, who sat in the Areopagus. Ye are too superstitious - Κατα παντα ὡς δεισιδαιμονεϚερους ὑμας θεωρω ; I perceive that in all respects ye are greatly addicted to religious practices; and, as a religious people, you will candidly hear what I have got to say in behalf of that worship which I practice and recommend. See farther observations at the end of the chapter. read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Acts 17:23

Beheld your devotions - Σεβασματα , The objects of your worship; the different images of their gods which they held in religious veneration, sacrificial instruments, altars, etc., etc. To the Unknown God - ΑΓΝΩΣΤΩ ΘΕΩ . That there was an altar at Athens thus inscribed, we cannot doubt after such a testimony; though St. Jerome questions it in part; for he says St. Paul found the inscription in the plural number, but, because he would not appear to acknowledge a plurality of gods, he... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Acts 17:24

God that made the world, etc. - Though the Epicureans held that the world was not made by God, but was the effect of a fortuitous concourse of atoms, yet this opinion was not popular; and the Stoics held the contrary: St. Paul assumes, as an acknowledged truth, that there was a God who made the world and all things. That this God could not be confined within temples made with hands, as he was the Lord or governor of heaven and earth. 3. That, by fair consequence, the gods whom they... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Acts 17:25

Neither is worshiped with men's hands - This is an indirect stroke against making of images, and offering of sacrifices: he is not worshipped with human hands, as if he needed any thing, or required to be represented under a particular form or attitude; nor has he required victims for his support; for it is impossible that he should need any thing who himself gives being, form, and life, to all creatures. Giveth - life, and breath, and all things - These words are elegantly introduced by... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Acts 17:26

Hath made of one blood - In AB, some others, with the Coptic, Ethiopic, Vulgate, Itala, Clement, and Bede, the word αἱματος , blood, is omitted. He hath made of one (meaning Adam) all nations of men; but αἱμα , blood, is often used by the best writers for race, stock, kindred: so Homer, Iliad, vi. ver. 211: Ταυτης τοι γενεης τε και αἱματος ευχομαι ειναι . I glory in being of that same race and blood. So Virgil, Aen. viii. ver. 142, says; Sic genus amborum scindit se... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Acts 17:27

That they should seek the Lord - This is a conclusion drawn from the preceding statement. God, who is infinitely great and self-sufficient, has manifested himself as the maker of the world, the creator, preserver, and governor of men. He has assigned them their portion, and dispensed to them their habitations, and the various blessings of his providence, to the end that they should seek him in all his works. Feel after him - Ψηλαφησειαν αυτον , That they might grope after him, as a... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Acts 17:28

For in him we live, and move, and have our being - He is the very source of our existence: the principle of life comes from him: the principle of motion, also, comes from him; one of the most difficult things in nature to be properly apprehended; and a strong proof of the continual presence and energy of the Deity. And have our being - Και εσμεν , And we are: we live in him, move in him, and are in him. Without him we not only can do nothing, but without him we are nothing. We are,... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Acts 17:29

Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, etc. - This inference of the apostle was very strong and conclusive; and his argument runs thus: "If we are the offspring of God, he cannot be like those images of gold, silver, and stone, which are formed by the art and device of man; for the parent must resemble his offspring. Seeing, therefore, that we are living and intelligent beings, He from whom we have derived that being must be living and intelligent. It is necessary, also, that the... read more

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