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James Burton Coffman

Coffman Commentaries on the Bible - Genesis 18:13-15

"And Jehovah said unto Abraham, Wherefore did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I of a surety bear a child, who am old? Is anything too hard for Jehovah? At the set time, I will return unto thee when the season cometh round, and Sarah shall have a son. Then Sarah denied, saying, I laughed not; for she was afraid. And he said, Nay; but thou didst laugh."One may well sympathize with Sarah, for it is very hard to be questioned and condemned concerning what one was thinking or saying in his own heart, yet... read more

Thomas Constable

Expository Notes of Dr. Thomas Constable - Genesis 18:1-15

8. Yahweh’s visit to Abraham 18:1-15Chapters 18 and 19 constitute one integrated story, but we shall consider this episode in the Abraham narrative section by section. Like the Flood story, it has a chiastic structure, this time focusing on the announcement of the destruction of Sodom (Genesis 19:12-13). [Note: See Wenham, Genesis 16-50, p. 41, for the chiasm.] Again there is a mass destruction with only one man and his family escaping. Both stories end with intoxication and shameful treatment... read more

Thomas Constable

Expository Notes of Dr. Thomas Constable - Genesis 18:15

Sarah evidently denied that she had laughed from fear of the Lord’s powers or from fear of offending Him. Again, God built confidence in His word. If the Lord could read Sarah’s thoughts, could He not also open her womb?Believers should never doubt God’s promises because nothing is impossible for Him. read more

John Dummelow

John Dummelow's Commentary on the Bible - Genesis 18:1-33

The Visit of the Angels to Abraham. The Judgment of Sodom announced. Abraham intercedes on its BehalfIn this beautiful narrative the writer dwells on the unique revelations of God’s purposes with which Abraham was favoured. In after times the patriarch received the title of ’the friend of God’ (2 Chronicles 20:7; Isaiah 41:8; James 2:23). The chapter is from the Primitive document. The religious lessons, the vivid description, and the consciousness of God’s immediate presence and interest in... read more

Charles John Ellicott

Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers - Genesis 18:15

(15) Sarah denied.—With strange inconsistency Sarah knows that the speaker is Divine, and that He perceived the thoughts that passed “within herself” in the retirement of the tent, and yet denies; but it was the inconsistency of fright. Struck with terror at the thought that she had ridiculed the promise of Jehovah, she offers no excuse, but takes refuge, as frightened people are apt to do, in falsehood. Gently reproved, the result was the building-up of her faith, just as Mary’s doubt was... read more

William Nicoll

Expositor's Dictionary of Texts - Genesis 18:1-33

Abraham's Intercession Genesis 18:16-33 When Scott the commentator was dying, we are told that he spoke much to those around him on the way in which his prayers for others had been answered. He thought he had failed less in the duty of intercession than in any other. Whether that be true of Scott or not, it is surely very true of Abraham. His nearness to God is never more apparent than when he intercedes for Sodom. Meyer notes these features of his prayer: (1) It was lonely prayer. 'He waited... read more

William Nicoll

Expositor's Bible Commentary - Genesis 18:1-33

ABRAHAM’S INTERCESSION FOR SODOMGenesis 18:1-33THE scene with which this chapter opens is one familiar to the observer of nomad life in the East. During the scorching heat and glaring light of noon, while the birds seek the densest foliage and the wild animals lie panting in the thicket and everything is still and silent as midnight, Abraham sits in his tent door under the spreading oak of Mamre. Listless, languid, and dreamy as he is, he is at once aroused into brightest wakefulness by the... read more

Arno Clemens Gaebelein

Arno Gaebelein's Annotated Bible - Genesis 18:1-33

CHAPTER 18 The Sixth Communication and Jehovah Visits Abraham 1. The manifestation (Genesis 18:1-2 ) 2. Abraham’s welcome (Genesis 18:3-8 ) 3. The promise repeated (Genesis 18:9-10 ) 4. Sarah’s laughter (Genesis 18:11-15 ) 5. The departure towards Sodom (Genesis 18:16 ) 6. Abraham’s intercession (Genesis 18:17-33 ) This most remarkable visitation was the answer of Jehovah to Abraham’s obedience of faith. The one in the middle was none other than Jehovah in human form; the other two... read more

L.M. Grant

L. M. Grant's Commentary on the Bible - Genesis 18:1-33

A DIVINE VISITATION Though previous to this chapter we read twice of the Lord appearing to Abraham (ch.13:7; 17:1), we are not told in what way He appeared. Now, in chapter 18 we are faced with what is called a "theophany," for the Lord Himself appears in manhood form, and two angels accompany Him, also appearing as men. They are called angels in chapter 19:1. The occasion is not confirmed to leaving a message, but involves having a prolonged visit with Abraham. It is clear that the Lord... read more

James Gray

James Gray's Concise Bible Commentary - Genesis 18:1-33

LOT ’S AFTERMATH We have almost forgotten Lot, but he is not having a happy time in the land of his choice. The Sodomites have learned nothing by experience and are increasing in iniquity and ripening for judgment. The facts in chapter 18 introduce the story of the climax in their case. A SECOND THEOPHANY (Genesis 18:1-15 ) The word “ LORD ” in (Genesis 18:1 is in capitals, another manifestation of the second Person of the Godhead as in the case of “the Angel of the LORD ” in the last... read more

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